different~mike x reader

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oof so i have a surprise after this so stay tuned for more. i sound like a commercial😂😂
mikes POV

y/n, the girl of my dreams. she wasn't like other girls. she was different. a good different. an amazing different. i've never liked anyone like this before i met y/n. she liked playing d & d with us. and by us i mean lucas, will and dustin.

we were riding our bikes to school, all of us except will. he probably just went to school early or something. he's like that sometimes. we got to school and put our bikes on the bike rack (is that what it's called? idk).

"step up, everyone. step up and get your tickets to the freak show," i heard troy say. y/n groaned and we turned around to see troy and james walking towards us. "what do you want, asshole?" y/n said, obviously annoyed.

"just came to see you, beautiful," james said. "who do you think would make more money in a freak show?" troy asked. he walked up to me and pushed me slightly,"frogface." he pushed lucas,"midnight." then he pushed dustin,"or toothless?"

"or this beauty we have here," troy said, grabbing y/n and pulled him to his chest. y/n tried to get free but his grip was strong. his hands started going down to her butt. i felt completely disgusted. i walked up to troy and punched him in the face. i fell to the ground and groaned. "get your nasty hands off of her," i said.

he got up and rubbed his face. "you're dead, wheeler," he said as him and james walked off. i looked at y/n and she just smiled at me. "thank you, mike," she said sweetly. i felt heat rush up to my cheeks as i smiled. "n-no problem, y-y/n," i said.

she leaned towards me and kissed my cheek. "bye guys. i'll see you at av club," she said as she walked to her class. i waved bye to her and smiled. dustin and lucas came up to me and started playfully punching me.

"mike and y/n sitting in a tree. k-i-s-s-i-n-g," they sang together. i laughed and said,"shut up, guys. let's go to class."

{time skip to the end of the day}

"did it come?" y/n asked mr. clarke. he sighed,"i'm sorry guy. i hate to be the bearer of bad news but, it came!!" all of our expressions changed from happy to sad within an instant.

we walked to the av room and saw the new radio mr. clarke ordered. "awesome!!" y/n said. i sat in the seat an put on the headphones. "we could talk to new york with this thing," i said excitedly. "think bigger," mr. clarke said.

"california?" lucas asked. "bigger," mr. clarke laughed. "australia??" dustin asked excitedly. mr. clarke nodded. y/n took the headphones from me. "what're you doing?" i asked, laughing. "hello this is y/n. vice president of the hawkins middle av club," y/n said in an australian accent.

she laughed and dustin took the headphones from her. he said something into the mic but i wasn't paying attention. i watched how happy y/n was. her smile was absolutely gorgeous. she was absolutely gorgeous. that's when i realized i was in love with this girl.

we stopped using the radio when someone knocked on the door. "hello mr. clarke. may i please have dustin, lucas, mike, and y/n please?" the principal said. the principal took us to his office where chief hopper and two other sheriffs were.

y/n's POV

chief hopper had asked us if we knew where will was and where we last seen him. lucas, dustin and mikes voices started overlapping each other. it made me frustrated. "guys would you shut up!!" i yelled, they shut up instantly. chief hopper nodded towards my direction. "you. where did you last see will?" he asked me.

i sighed,"we were playing d & d at mikes house before we left. i left with will and he started racing with me on mirkwood. then he went to his house." chief looked confused. "what's mirkwood?" he asked. "it's a street," mike said. i looked at mike and smiled softly.

"have you guys ever heard of mirkwood?" chief asked the two sheriffs. one of them shook their head. the other one said,"nope. it sounds made up to me." dustin spoke up,"the street is real. the name is just made up."

"it's from lord of the rings," lucas said. "the hobbit," dustin corrected. they started to bicker and fight. me and like just sat there until chief stopped them. "you guys will not go out tonight and go looking for your friend. do i make myself clear?" he asked us, sternly. we all nodded and walked out of the office.

we grabbed our bikes and started peddling towards our houses. "mike?" i said. mike looked back at me and quickly looked back at the road. "yeah y/n?" he said. i gulped nervously,"w-what if o-one of us goes m-missing like will?"

mike stopped his bike and i stopped mine too. "what?" he asked me. "what if one of us goes missing, mike? i don't want to go missing," i said, my voice shaky. mike walked closer to me and hugged me, i hugged him back.

"you won't go missing y/n. i'll always be here to protect you okay?" he said as i pushed back my tears. "promise?" i said. he pulled away and stuck out his pinky. "promise," he said as i wrapped my pinky around his.

then he just sort of looked into my eyes. i looked into his too, getting completely lost in them. "y/n?" he said. "yes mike?" i asked him. "i-i really really like you," he said. a smile grew on my face, while unbelievably happiness grew inside me. i leaned in quickly and peck him on the lips. "i really like you too, mike."
alrighty guess what guys?? i posted a new book!! it's my preference book for the losers club and the it cast. you should go check it out and request a preference.

i hope you guys enjoyed this!! till next time!!❤️😚

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i hope you guys enjoyed this!! till next time!!❤️😚

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