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"I told you it might start snowing heavily" I stated with a shrug.

The moment we entered the gate of my apartment the weather took an amazing turn and it started snowing heavily and now everything was covered by a thick blanket of snow.

"I should get going" Yoongi said looking outside the window.

I looked at him in surprise as he started walking towards the door. He seemed to be out of his mind. He wasn't a superman or something. There was no way he could go back to his dorm unless he wanted to get stuck in the snow outside.

"Are you serious?" I rolled my eyes as I ran towards him and blocked his way.

He raised an eyebrow giving me a questioning look.

"You can't leave now" I said shaking my head sideways. It was still snowing and it was certainly not a good idea to trust the weather. He gave me an annoyed look.

"Ya.. Don't give that look!" I glared at him.

But he still stood there with that poker face of his. "I'm leaving" he said and walked past me.

I rolled my eyes. This boy.

"Ya... Yoongs! stop right there" I said and turned around towards him and crossed my arms.

He stopped and turned around. "Don't call me that" he said raising his index finger in the midair.

That worked a bit. I had to stop him. If something goes wrong or if he gets sick Manager Sung would kick my ass.

I sighed and walked towards him. "Fine, I won't"

I looked up to face him, "Just stay here today" I sighed heavily.

He was looking at me with a straight face when suddenly his lips quirked up into a smirk. I looked at him confused.

He leaned in towards me catching me off guard but thanks to my quick reflexes my head immediately leaped back slightly maintaining the distance between us. But my widened eyes never left his beautiful brown eyes. His gaze made me feel vulnerable and weak at my knees.

"Don't worry I won't tell anything to Manager Sung" he said slyly.

What's with him? For a moment it felt as if he was possessed.

I just stared at him. His gaze made my heart beat faster and my stomach did a somersault. He looked different. Soon a stern look took over his face proving me wrong. It was the same old..same old Min Yoon Gi.

"Ya!!" I yelled poking his chest making him to step back. He looked at me in surprise.

"Just stay here" I concluded turning around.

"And I'm not telling this because of Manager Sung" I added turning back.

I made my way toward the kitchen hoping it worked.

Manager Sung wasn't actually the reason after all. I really didn't wanted him to get sick.

Soon I heard footsteps following me. A victory smile formed on my lips. I persuaded the most dangerous person. Dangerous would be an exaggeration.

My phone buzzed. I took it out from my pocket. Two message notifications on wattpad popped up. I opened them.



U there?

I rolled my eyes.


Did you not recognize

Yes I didn't who are


It was him.

Met on Wattpad-Min YoongiWhere stories live. Discover now