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"Yoongi-ssi wake up" I said shaking him slightly.

It was already 8 in the morning and he was still asleep.

He made some inhuman noises and rolled around sleeping again.

I sighed exasperatedly. He will get us late. My patience was slowly flying away and finally it was so far that I couldn't catch it again.

"Suga-ssi!!!" I squealed near his ear.

He jumped right out of the couch. He looked at me for sometime sending death glares.

"Ya!!!!!" He yelled suddenly. "Are you mad?"

I glared at him.

"We're late.. Well at least you are" I said.

The boy group had an interview with a radio channel at 10:30 and they had a lot to prepare.

"Shit!" He cursed under his breath

"Freshen up, we've to leave fast" I said.

Without a word he rushed towards the bathroom.

Meanwhile I prepared toast for him.

"Ya..let's go" he rushed towards the main door.

"Hey" I said and rushed after him with the toast in my hand. "Eat this. It's not good to leave with an empty stomach"

He looked at me for a while before taking the toast. I locked my house and we walked out. 

We took a cab and headed towards their dorm.

The interview went well. Luckily we reached on time and he was able to join the last few minutes of the discussion with the boys before leaving for the studio.

"I forgot to ask you earlier" Namjoon frowned at Yoongi, "How come both of you came back together this morning?"

I immediately looked at Yoongi who was looking at him with a sleepy expression with him lips slightly parted.

"Uh.." He nodded as if it was nothing, "I met her on the way.. So we came in together"

Everyone looked at Yoongi surprised. All the boys knew his nature and that I was one of those persons he hardly talked with and to be more precise they knew how he used to ignore me the whole time.

"What?" Yoongi raised his brows. His face conveyed no emotions at all.

"Nothing," Namjoon shook his head.

"Ya.. Where were you last night?" Jin asked Yoongi all of a sudden.

"Why do you want to know that?" Yoongi asked.

"Because you were out the whole night without informing anyone of us" Jin stated.

Yoongi who was looking down all this time then looked at me.

"I was at her house" pointing at me.

My heart jumped to my throat. My eyes were wide in shock. Why didn't he just lie about it?

Everyone's eyes were now on me. And mine were in shock. What the hell. There shifted back at him.

"Are you guys hiding something?" Jhope said.

"Ya its nothing like that" Yoongi replied in annoyance. "It was just because of the heavy snowfall. I had nowhere to go so I went at her place"

I sighed in relief and calmed down.

"How did you know her address?" Jungkook asked out of nowhere making me stare at all of them in disbelief.

How are these questions popping in their minds now?

"Guys guys. Its just that I met him last night while going home and it started snowing heavily and I asked him to stay at my place. You get it now?" I said explaining it at once.

They all looked at me for a while before nodding. I sighed.

"Did you finish your work?" Namjoon asked Yoongi who was lying across the couch half asleep.

"What work?" He mumbled.

It was almost inaudible.

"Ya lazy ass! Get up!" Jin shouted. "You had to work on the lyrics for our new song!"

Yoongi's eyes widened. The sleepiness in his eyes was gone. He immediately got up and rushed to his music room.

"This boy" Jin muttered. "Hiya just go and keep a check on him, he might sleep there without us knowing it."

Jin looked at me and shook his head. "And help him too if you can"

"Don't worry" I said with a smile.

I got up and walked to his music room. It was a part of my job to listen to their words and help them. But the last time I tried to help him I was ignored by him and walking to his room was no less then walking into a lion's den.

I hope it goes well this time.

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