Before I leave, I must save them...

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Yes! we are now running away from green hill! Though it is a beautiful land filled with flowers and rolling hills that is covered a grass that waved amongst the air. I just wanted to dance and play in the waves of the green ocean for one last time. But now I can't my last gaze on my home land is now in trouble, and need me and my friends help. I love my lands, I take pride for my home and of my people.

But most of all I love my father, Ash, my, punk of an, older brother Ty.

Then when I was taking my last look of my troubled home something shiny started moving, it was moving really fast, fast indeed, infact I think it's coming towards -


"humph"  i said as something knocked the living, breathing life out of me. " hurry pokémon speaker, I need your help a man is destroying my lands and killing my fellow pokémon!" my eyes where closed and I slowly opened them. this pokémon looked nice, but terrified for life. it had a deep, deep voice. and it wasn't a shiny pokémon it looked like a fox with a real deep dark color of brown with parts of him be a lightier brown expressly the end of his tail. It. was an. ... Eevee he stood on my chest and looking down at me with his light brown eyes

"ok, let me up and me and my friends will help"  i said with a sence of bravery for the Eevee.  He let me and I stood and dusted myself off. Ryosuke walk up to me" Whatta about your journey?" he looked sad that I may miss my only way to Kantos. "Maysa will wait as long as she needs for me! If she has will start looking for me." I said reassuring my worried friends yes all of them looked utterly worried for me looking at with sorrow in their eyes. " i help you keke!" said Pikachu as he jumped from Ty's shoulder. " Me too! Me too!" yells out Reona.  " Okay! " I said giving a thumbs up to my pals. I looked down at the Eevee, then nodded. "it time," he said. He turn around a ran, I followed, as well as my pokémon.  Such a rush! the brisk night air rubbing on my bare skin, my eyes watered because of the air. When we got there almost all of the pokémon was died. Bodies everywhere, blood splattered on trees, bushes, and even puddles of blood from the died bodies being drained by gravity. It looked like the civil war all over again. A terrible scenery!  the Eevee ran to the blood shed, massacre. I followed him" maybe there are survivors." Pikachu huffed out as we ran.

evil laughter came from somewhere. I manage to follow the sound and locate where it is. A man stood there he look like a middle aged man, around late 20's early 30' s. He smiled Eevee hollered"  he killed them, he killed them all!" the Eevee's voice echoed I'm my head. "Pikachu lightingbolt attack!"  Pikachu bolted as attacked the mass murder. the man was tied up and I wrote a note saiting that he has massacred all of these innocent pokémon.

The next day

the boat was delayed. And my new friend Eevee has gone.

no survivors

yes, ... no survivors

Then he returns licking my cheek

I wake up smiling, and giggling. The Eevee smiled back. His smile was so cute. I sat up and I noticed I used Pikachu as a pellow, no wonder it (the pellow) was so warm at night. I looked a round puzzled I was near a beach with the rest of my gang. I asked" where are we?" a sudden answer came" your boat is delayed so you must hide till tonight young pokéwhisperer." he voice was deeper than the Eevee's I turn my head and there

there was a ... Entei!

(yes, I know for being a girl I shouldn't know pokémon.... )

My eyes widen in disbelief! "Child, you and your comrades shall follow me." he said. I was amazed by the appearance of this legendary pokémon. everyone was awoken and we followed the beast pokémon. (that's the category That this kind of pokémon is put in)

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