-Chapter 41

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-Chapter 41: Further In

"Tell me who you are," Hiiro states, shoving me into a chair in the CR. He doesn't have to be rough with me.

I look down, staring at my feet. "I am who I say I am, Hiiro. Believe me, that part of me is real. Everything else might have not been so real. But I am who I am. My name is and always will be Kara Amor. Forget the new last name, okay?"

Taiga laughs. "Why would we trust you after you lied for so long? Just tell us who this employer of yours is."

"Foundation X..." I look up at Hiiro as he turns away from me. "I was picked to attract Hiiro's attention after I was caught stealing something. I thought it was the police interviewing me but it was one of the workers at Foundation X looking to recruit me to get a hold of the Gashats."

"The Gashats? Why would they need that?" Emu asks.

"I have no idea why they need it exactly. I'm not in on that. I'm sorry that I can't explain that to you. You all weren't supposed to discover anything at all," I answer. "I was going to go back to America after I was done doing my work here but I got caught up in everything. Kiriya dying..." I swallow hard. "I couldn't leave after that. I should have but I didn't."

"So, why did they send you to me?" Hiiro asks.

"So I could be with you. If I worked in the medical field, I would be around you," I answer. "I'm sorry, Hiiro. I didn't intend on falling in love with you at all. It just happened. When I came to Japan, I was sent to find Kuroto and find out how to get a hold of the Gashats."

"That would explain why you're able to use them. Foundation X must have handled that," Taiga says, looking at Nico.

"So, are you some sort of con artist?" Nico asks me, leaning in towards me and staring at me coldly.

"We were even friends?" Miyuki looks at me sadly.

"Miyuki, I didn't lie about that. I felt bad keeping it from you because you're so good to me and I am pretty much your mother now," I tell Miyuki, staring into her eyes. "Believe me, I'm not lying about that. I care about you. I really, really do."

"Why should we believe your words? You're nothing but a liar." Hiiro rushes to the door and exits the room. He's really ticked off but he has the right to be.

"Tell us more about this Foundation X," Emu says, sitting down next to me. "You can tell me anything, Kara. I believe that you have a good heart and that you thought you were doing what was best. You didn't mean to hurt any of us."

"Emu..." I look at him, nodding a bit. "They're an organization that funds illegal projects. We weren't doing anything major for years in the company until the Gashats popped up on our radar. Apparently I was a dead ringer for Hiiro's girlfriend to them. Not in looks though but in how we came off."

"I see. Keep going."

"It is alright! Poppy wants to keep listening to your side of the story!"

I smile. "Thank you, Poppy. Anyways, I was sent to college to be with Hiiro. I was able to get into a relationship with him and I probably would have married him if I didn't feel so guilty about what I was doing. That was the true reason for our breakup. If I couldn't be open with him, I had to let him go to find someone who would. I cried that entire night."

"You really did love him didn't you?" Taiga asks, snickering. 

"Yeah, I did really love him. It hurts me to see him like this but it is because of my actions. I should have thought about this scenario. I was warned that Kuroto knew about it but I didn't think he would actually out it. I thought he would blackmail me."

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