Chapter 12

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Jay's POV--

Funny, we've known each other for about a few days now, and I just kissed him. Somebody had to break the ice, and not with Icebreakers either, although he did have very minty breath. The kid uses a lot of toothpaste and mouthwash. But what suprised me was he didn't pull away, in fact, he kissed back! And that was when I really got into it. I pushed him down into the couch, but I was gentle. I put my arms around his waist, and he tangled his hands in my hair. I deepened the kiss, and he didn't seem to care. We finally had to pull away to catch our breath, but as soon as we caught it, we went right back to kissing. I was stunned. I thought Gavin was innocent... until I kissed him. He kisses like a pro! Well, considering his situation with this boyfriend of his, who abused him- that's right. I still have to do something about that little issue. The problem is, what am I going to do about it? I could always report it to the police, and take Gavin with me for evidence. No. He isn't evidence. He's the victim, and he won't be treated like property anymore. Well... okay, so he is mine, and I will say that a lot, but he isn't property. Wait, why am I thinking about this while we're kissing? I mean, couldn't I think something more cliché? Like how soft his lips are or something? They are very soft lips, by the way. But again, he's mine.

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