Chapter 2

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I sit down at our usual table for lunch, located in the back corner of the gym, where no one really pays attention to.

My friends and I aren't exactly popular, but we aren't nerdy either. We're sort of in the middle. And what I mean by sort of is that it depends which one my friends and I you are talking about. There are six of us, and we all have our particular personality, their way of being. Well, except for me. Here are all of us and our personalities:

Selina:super sweet-very kind

Arie:friendly and active-upbeat

Payton: very protective and violent-tomboy

Sarah: girly girl


I have never been really known for doing anything special or having my own personality. I'm just another fish in the sea.Even though I hate fish.

"What's up?" Payton questions sitting down with the brown paper bag containing her lunch.

"Mrs. Grosen gave her a detention this morning for being late," Arie explains my worried look to Payton as she sets her hot lunch plate on the table and seats herself next to me,"shes worried about what her parents are gonna say."

"What's wrong!?" Selina asked as she and Sarah sat down with their trays.

"Detention," Payton confirmed, biting into an apple.

"It'll be Ok," Selina comforted me as she rested her hand on my arm," at least you'll get time to catch up on sleep," she pointed out.

I smiled. I could always count on my friends to lift me up when I was down.

"Uh, here comes Miss Prissy Pants," Payton scowled.

"Speaking of, guess what she did to Cindy and I today?" Arie asked our table.

"What?" my friends questioned eagerly.

I chuckled.

"She sashayed right over too us and called us losers! I mean, can you believe that girl?" Arie exclaimed angrily.

Sarah looks over at Savannah's table and frowns,"how come she gets to be so popular? She's so mean to everyone."

"That's why," Payton answered, pulling out a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

"What do you mean?" Sarah asked, cocking her head to the side.

"She means the reason she's so popular is because she's mean to everyone," I explained to Sarah.

"Oh," Sarah looked down at her tray," that doesn't really make sense."

"It's the life of popularity," I stated,"it never makes sense."


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