Bruise 7

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You're just his toy...

He doesn't love's you...

Maybe I will never be able to get my old Sehun back...

"BAEKHYUN!" "D-Don't shout like that, you scared me" I smack Luhan in the arm, "Well, if you actually listened to what I said, I wouldn't be shouting." And I am suddenly getting the feeling of Déjà vu, I felt someone snake their arms around my waist, just to see Tao smirking at me, "You may not be Gucci, but you're just as good enough!" I giggled as I broke free from his embrace, "My name is Luhan, you rude bastard, pleased to meet you" Luhan said going in between us.

"Tao, pleased to meet you, anyways Baekhyunie are you busy right now, I really want to talk to you, you're not? Okay then come with me." Tao then grabbed my arm and began to pull me further away from society, and you could hear Luhan shout from afar, "I WILL GET YOU SOMEDAY TAO!"

Tao brought me to the empty art classroom, well more like an unused classroom to be exact, "W-What do you need me for Tao?" I stuttered, kind of scared of what he may do to me, but to my surprised I felt his soft lips on mines, causing me to turn red, I wanted to pull away, but for some reason I enjoyed this feeling. Once he pulled away, he put his forehead to mine. "I am sorry Hyung, I brought you here to confess to you my feelings, I know I have zero chance, and I never knew you had a boyfriend..." there was some silence in the room as I felt his sigh.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend, If I knew I wouldn't be in this deep love, and now I have to suffer watching someone else love you the way I do..." I remained frozen in the same spot, tears threatening to fall, "I am sorry to complain about this, and I know I have no authority whatsoever to come to you and blame you for everything, but I hope just because of this, it wouldn't ruin our friendship at all. I just really care for you hyung."

"Tao" I mumbled

"Maybe today we could go for some ice cream like our first day together, right?"


"Or we could come and hangout at my house, Kris is still asking about you, he just won't stop bothering me until you come over hahaha."

"T-Tao" And the tears began to fall, I hugged Tao tighter crying on his chest, "H-Hyung, w-what's wrong?!" I could hear the panic in his voice, and I was unable to speak, and this feeling I have for him feels stronger day by day, just what are you doing to me.

"P-Please don't leave me anymore, I can't stand this anymore, I-it just hurts a lot, p-please stay..." I cried into his chest, this feeling just makes me want to stay with Tao, is this how true love feels like? If so, I never want this feeling to end.

"W-What d-do you mean?" Tao said as he embraced me.

I just nodded a no in response, hugging him back. "Tao, I love you, " I said it as low as possible so he wouldn't hear me. The door then slides open, revealing Sehun and some other girl, I knew it..., I thought to myself, it was too good to be true, pretending that I didn't see them I tiptoed to reach Tao's lip just to plant another kiss. "Let's go take you back to your class Taozi" and that's how I encountered a shocked Tao, I grabbed his arm and proceeded to walk out the door. As we walked we both heard footsteps behind us, I turned around to see Sehun running behind us

"B-Baekhyun, w-why..."

I glared at him, I turned back around and continued walking, I am sorry Sehun, I really am sorry, but I can't let you keep treating me like a toy...

"T-Tao, c-can I spend the night at your house tonight please?"

"U-Um, sure! I will call Kris Hyung right away!" I smiled warmly, now for clothes, I could simply buy some clothing on my way to his home, or borrow Luhan's Hello Kitty pajamas. "Then let's meet after school by the school gates Taozi, well this is my stop. Bye!"

I went inside my classroom to see a smirking Luhan, "So you left me, and now you come back with swollen eyes, what exactly happened between you and Tao?" he asked as he wrapped his arm around my neck. I blushed thinking about what happened earlier in the art room, "N-Nothing, so-so don't worry about me, anyways, what about Lay is he doing well?" I said as I was avoiding the topic, only to make Luhan even angrier.

"Talking about Lay, his boyfriend Suho is such a drama queen, he always pretends to be hurt only so I could get scold by Lay, can you believe that?! And you wouldn't Imagine what he did to me last week!"

And I knew I was in for a long conversation, I guess it's good enough to keep what happened a secret.


Hello lovelies! I am sorry for this awfully short chapter, I promise next chapter I will write over 2,000 words like Bruise 1 and 2! I am planning on adding bits of comedy to this story, mostly to bring up the mood a bit, but you see it will be pointless as the final chapter are nearby. I hope you all enjoy this chapter as much as I did

Word Count: 879

Wow I really feel terrible for this short chapter ;w;

With Love

❤️ PuririnLuka❤️

Book 1: Do I really love him?【SeBaek/TaoBaek】Where stories live. Discover now