Bruise 9

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"Taozi, seriously give me back my phone!"

"Ignore him for tonight, please, just for me, please?" Tao said as he was putting my phone on an unreachable shelf. "Tao, I will tell Kris about this, please~?" I jumped trying to reach my phone from his reach. I gave up halfway, why even try when Sehun lied to me again. "Okay, fine, just this once, okay?" Tao just nodded his head and proceeded to put my phone in his night stand, but seriously that blinking notification light makes me anxious enough to see if Sehun messaged me, but I am sure he is yelling at me in those texts of his.

"Tao could you flip my phone? The notification light is bothering me." He walked back to his night stand and flipped my phone over, "There, no more interruptions for tonight! Come on, Kris should be coming home any minute now." He grabbed my hand and guided me downstairs, feeling anxious as always, I stood in their living room somewhat excited to see Kris again. "Tao, how's Kris doing?" I said as I sat down on the sofa. "Eh, he broke up with his boyfriend recently, so he's been kind of gloomy, but when I told him you will be spending the night with us he sounded really happy, so I am guessing he is happy to come home."

"Then it is up to me to cheer him up, don't worry you will have your happy hyung back in no time!" I smiled proudly, Tao burst laughing making me blush a little bit, "Tao, I don't mean to meddle, but how come I have never seen you with any of your friends?"

"You'll meet two of them today, they're coming over for dinner, but they're not special enough to spend the night." Tao said as he shoved a cookie into his mouth, "So you're saying that I am special enough to spend the night here?" I said not able to hold back a giggle as Tao choked on his cookie.

The doorbell suddenly rang, and Tao leaped off his seat running to the door. I was going to sneak into his bedroom to claim my phone, but two unfamiliar gazes stop me in my tracks, I turned around to see two strangers greeting Tao, must be his friends, I thought to myself. "Oh, Baekhyun you're here! I want you to meet Kim Jongdae and Kim Minseok, my friends!" I turned smiling shyly walking towards them, "Pleased to meet the two of you, I am Byun Baekhyun." Same surname, they must be siblings, but they don't even look nothing alike at all, one has chubby cheeks, and the other has more of a squear-ish chin.

"P-Pleased to meet you Byun Baekhyun" He bowed 90 degrees, I grab his hand, "No need for formalities Minseok. Just speak to me the same way you speak to your brother and Tao." I laughed nervously, "Brother?" I turned to Tao giving him a questioning look. "We are actually friends, I can't believe you're a senior and you can't even differentiate us apart, Taozi he isn't good for you, I bet you he insulted me in that little perverted mind of his!" My face reddened, how could I have done that stupid mistake, I am sure other people thought of it, right? "And just in case, you are the first one to think that, you perverted hyung!" Chen turned to Tao, grasping Tao's shoulders, "I do not approve of him Taozi, he is a huge pervert!" Tao smacked his hands off him, "Shut up, the only pervert here is you." Minseok giggled at his remark.

"So, I see that all of you started the fun without me, glad to see all of you tonight" Kris said whilst closing the door, he claps his hands together," Shall we head to the living room now? Baekhyun, you follow me to the kitchen please." Kris said signaling everyone off to the living room. I nodded a yes and followed Kris. "I am glad to see you again Baekhyun, how've you been?" Kris said as he began to wash his hands on the kitchen sink, "I've been good, just some problems here and there, nothing bad." Kris stepped aside and motioned me to wash my hands as well, "That's good to hear, so what happened between the two of you, why do you suddenly want to spend the night today?"

"I saw him trying to flirt with some girl, so I am trying something new, just so he could get the message that I am done with his bs." I turned off the faucet and walked to Kris, whom was cutting the vegetables. "That's good, maybe he'll learn to not do that again, has he laid a finger on you recently? If he did let me know so I could beat him up." I nodded my head a no and stood beside Kris, envying the height difference between us. "Oh, you can go back with Tao, I just wanted to catch up with you" Kris booped my nose. I gave Kris a hug from the back, and began to walk to the living room where I heard laughter.

Book 1: Do I really love him?【SeBaek/TaoBaek】Where stories live. Discover now