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Anxie: Sup it's me and I'm here with Thomas and the Sides for an ask or dare

Patton: yup, thanks kiddo, hello everyone its me Patton but everyone just calls me dad!!!

Thomas: Sup guys, gals, and non-binary pals. I'm really excited for this!

Logan: yes um, the way this will work is you can ask us questions and we will answer them or you can dare us to do something and we will do it.

Roman: did someone say prince?

Virgil: no Princey no one said Prince nor have they ever!

Patton: gee kiddo looks like someone's been having a bad day

Logan: yes it would appear Virgil has been having a bad day based on his mood and how he has approached speaking to Roman.

Anxie: okay, okay break it up. Anyways so ya that's what this book is all about make sure to leave your questions and dares in the comment section. ANNNNDDDDDD PEACE!!

Ask or Dare the Sander SidesWhere stories live. Discover now