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Anxie: sup everyone we have a da-

Patton: WHO'S IT FOR!!!

Anxie: calm down Patton, an-

Thomas: sup guys gals and non-binary pals!

Roman: did someone say Prince

Anxie: nobody said Prince okay anyway the person wh-

Logan: *text tone goes off* I really have to change that, sorry continue.


Virgil: what- why am I here?

Patton: you gotta dare.

Roman: why is he the fan favorite I'm clearly the most likeable.

Anxie: anyway DancingDemon224 dared Virgil to say one nice thing about everyone in the group.

Thomas: I don't think-

Anxie: oh shush it will be funny

Logan: you know he has to compliment you as well.

Anxie: shit.  Didn't think of that.

Virgil: okay. Patton even though you act like a clueless moron you really are like a dad to me, so thanks.

Patton: I love my dark strange son.

Virgil: Logan you seem to understand the world way better than the others and it is nice to talk to you, I guess.

Logan: I'll admit it is quit fun to debate with you.

Virgil: Thomas I appreciate how you try to make me feel like I belong here.

Thomas: no problem and you do belong here.

Virgil: and Princey....

Roman: best for last right?

Virgil: sure... Um I don't know, I  guess I admire how happy you always are you never let anyone bring you down.

Roman: wow I was not expecting that... Ummm... Wow.


Roman and Virgil: WHAT!?!?

Anxie: anyway make sure to leave your questions and dares in the comments section. Take it easy guys gals and non-binary pals and PEACE!

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