Serving A Bunch Of Stares For Breakfast

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***Angels POV***

When he had turned around to look at me, I recognized the look in his eyes. The very same one from yesterday, I could put my life in his hands and feel nothing but tranquility because those eyes told you that you could trust him and not have a worry on your mind. I nodded at him as if he had asked permission to do what he had planned.

I need to make a good impression to my new family... And being late is not tolerable. I'll do anything.

Careful what you wish for...


I buried my head deep into his chest.

Whyy did I agree to this!?

ANGEL:"Anata, please put me down? Everyone's staring and this is really embarrassing."

I felt his chest vibrate as he lightly chuckled.

GIOTTO:"So you don't like attention. Duly noted. Also, you said you couldn't walk, the only option I saw that could get you downstairs was to carry you. Obviouslyyy the only way to carry you when you can't feel your legs is bridal style."

I hid my face, I couldn't have anyone seeing my tomato face

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I hid my face, I couldn't have anyone seeing my tomato face. Why does everything he say make me fluster.

The doors opened, I slowly pulled my head out and faced forward, ready to greet The Vongola Family properly. I tightened the grip I had on Anata's dress shirt, suddenly hit with my worst enemy... Nerves. I could feel his breath on my ear as he whispered to me.

GIOTTO:"Don't be nervous. They'll love you"

I slightly nodded and focused on the people sitting around the table, their eyes focused on me.

I noticed the man from the streets stood up

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I noticed the man from the streets stood up.

G:"Boss, what took you so long?"

Anata gently placed me on a seat at the front of the table and took a seat beside me.

GIOTTO:"Bella's legs were numb"

?:"ufufufu I wonder why"

I blushed red at the Daemon's comment. Yeah... I knew who these people were. I was greeted with an insight during my sleep last night, probably because I was close to Anata. I felt my face heat up again at the thought. I grabbed a glass of water to cool my nerves... honestly I wanted to drown them.


I almost spat out my water, the only thing stopping my mouth from being a water gun was the idea that my spit would've been all over the food. I would have been dubbed as the girl who spit on the food for the rest of my time here... Even so, that was way too blunt, even for Knuckles... I mean he is suppose to be a priest.

I felt someone pat my back. I looked to my left to see the man who was also there when I first met Anata. There was something different about this man compared to everyone else.. what was it again...

?:"hahaha guys, stop. You're going to make Angel-chan choke.

It hit me.

ANGEL:"You're Japanese?"

He looked at me started

?:"Yes I am. Amazing. I haven't met anyone in Italy who is fluent jn Japanese."

ANGEL:"well, I spent much of my time in Japan. Let me guess, you must be the Asari-san Anata was telling me about yesterday."

He took my hand and gave it a kiss.

ASARI:"Ugetsu Asari, Rain Guardian"

I heard a low growl beside me and at first I wondered if there was a dog, but I glanced at the corner of my eye to see Anata harshly cutting through his food. Asari immediately let go of my hand and did a small laugh while scratching the back of his head.

ASARI:"hahaha... don't worry boss, from what I heard last night, she's already all yours."

Wow... didn't think Asari would also be a peeping Tom... why was everyone so interesting in listen to us...

I sweatdrop at the heavy tension in the room. This is awkward now... I had the feeling back in my legs so I could run out of here and not look back... but then what. I'd ruin my first impression, so I need to power through this.

Thankfully, the guy with green hair was able to make it disappear by introducing himself.

?:"I'm Lampo, Lightning Guardian. Let's play together sometime."

The sound of metal clanking echoed throughout the room. Anata was starting to emit a dark cloud around him...

LAMPO:"...or not"

I couldn't but smile at Lampo's face.

Poor kid

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Poor kid...

?:"I'm Knuckles, Sun Guardian. May God ultimately bless your marriage"

?:"kufufufu. The name is Daemon. The one and only Mist Guardian. Pleased to meet you Bella~"

As soon as the word Bella came out if his mouth, I heard another clash of silverware from beside me. I discreetly placed a hand on his thigh. I felt him relax under my touch. The last thing I need is a bunch of dead bodies this early in the day.

I knew what Daemom would do in the future... but I also knew Anata would forgive him.

?:"Alaude. Cloud."

Wow... I wasn't even expecting him to talk...

?:"I'm G. Boss' right hand man. Storm Guardian."

I gave G my warmest smile.

ANGEL:"thank you G, for always taking care of Anata."

G's eyes widened ever so slightly, I could see a blush creeping up on him, but before it could reveal itself he looked down at his food.

G:"it's my job"

I kept my smile because I knew he wasn't doing it because it was his job. I turned my head to look straight. I then cleared my throat, getting ready to introduce myself.

ANGEL:"my name is Angel Te-Vongola. I hope you'll be able to accept me into your family after you get to know me better."

I've really got to get used to saying Vongola...


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