Chapter One

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Shoutout to user15265978 and Emzyford13 for the love and support. Hope all of my readers enjoy the updated version of my fanfic. Thank you my lovelies for your patience.


"Bye Mom! See you after school!"

"Love you sweetheart, be safe."

I gently closed the door to our apartment and jogged downstairs. We more like fell down the stairs. I swear these are going to kill me one day.

I rolled my eyes and picked myself off the ground. This is the second time I've slid down these stairs this week, and it's only Tuesday!

I huffed out a breath, which resulted in a cloud forming in the winter air. The cold nipped at my nose and cheeks that I'm sure had tinted a light pink. Tears blurred my eyes from the cold for a slight second which caused me to once again huff.

I pulled out my earphones and plugged them into my phone. I tapped on the playlist labeled Walk To Prison. The journey from my home to school wasn't far, but it was far enough that I got to listen to five songs at least. I fell into a walking rhythm and let them mind wander.


I entered through the school entrance and made my way to my locker.


I whirled around to find my best friend, Cara, running towards my like a mad man. I'm convinced she's going to be thrown in prison before the time she's twenty-five.

"Would you be quiet? There is no reason to yell. You were literally only a few feet behind me." I scolded.

"Who cares? It's not like anyone here is paying attention. They're too busy trying to eat each other's faces, or playing on their phones. Besides, I just I wanted to see how my bestest friend in the world is doing."

"Care-bear, I'm your only friend. And bestest isn't even a word." I chuckled.

She frowned at the name I gave her as children and lightly punched my arm.

"Don't call me that, and bestest is a word!" She proclaimed.

I just rolled my eyes and chuckled under my breath. Why do I have such a weirdo as a friend? Oh yeah, she gave me gummy worms in second grade.

Cara has been my best, and only, friend since second grade when she told off some of the girls that were picking on me. After, she offered me gummy worms and demanded that I be her friend. Since that day, it was me and her.

Her and I couldn't be more different. She has blonde hair, light brown eyes, a pale, clear complexion, and a loud demeanor.
On the other hand, I have chestnut hair that I got from my mom, dark brown eyes that I could only assume I got from my dad, and a quiet yet sometimes sarcastic personality.

I like to believe that the differences in our personalities is what ties up together so closely. I mean opposite attract right.


After my interaction with Cara I went to my home room class. My home room was with a teacher called Miss Barrie. When I tell you she's a demon from hell I'm not exaggerating. She once sent me out of class for sneezing! SNEEZING!

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