Chapter Five

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"Lonely is not being alone, it's the feeling that no one cares."


Faces of pedestrians blurred passed the car during the ride. A nervous knot in my stomach seemed get bigger and bigger the closer we got to the hospital. I couldn't stop my leg from shaking up and down.

God, when did I become such a nervous wreck?

I sighed and tried to calm my self down by taking big breaths.

Everything will be okay.

I released my teeth from my bottom lip when I tasted blood. I rolled my eyes a bit. I'm just overreacting.

The whole car ride had been silent. I was sure that the officer didn't know what to say, neither did I. I wanted to ask more questions about my mom's death, about my dad, and more importantly, what was going to happened after I met him.
I was scared. Scared of what was going to happen.

Finally, I cleared my throat to gain his attention and asked, "Are you doing an investigation of my mom's death? You said that her death might have not been really an accident."

"We're doing an investigation, kid. Right now, we're at a dead end, but I promise you, I won't give up." He said, while giving me a reassuring smile.

My brows furrowed at his response. They really have no idea who did it, he's just telling me that to give me hope.

I scowled and folded my arms over my chest. He glanced over at me and saw my expression.

He sighed and said, "We think it may have something to do with your father."


"What do you mean? What does my mom's death have to do with my dad?"

He shook his head slightly. "You'll see when we meet him, okay. Then I'll try and explain everything."

My scowl deepened. Right now, I probably look like I was constipated, but I really didn't care. I hated not knowing.

At last, our destination came into view. We had barely even parked before I was out and walking toward the entrance, my curiosity getting the better of me. The officer slightly jogged to catch up with me.

The doors slid open and I followed the officer to the front desk.

"Eden, why don't you go sit over in the waiting area. I need to fill out a few things here."

I nodded my head and made my way over to the group of chairs.

My leg started shaking again. I leaned my head against the wall and started to imagine what my dad would look like. Did I look a lot like him? I guess I would find out in a couple of minutes.

I really need to use the restroom...

I lifted my head up from the wall and looked towards the officer.

Should I tell him where I'm going?

I didn't want to bother him as he was taking to the receptionist while filling out some stuff. I shrugged a little bit and headed towards where the signed labeled 'RESTROOMS' was pointed at.

I did my business and washed my hands. I looked at myself in the mirror.

God, I look horrible...

Grimacing at my reflection, I splashed some water in my face to make me seem more alive. I straightened out my hair that was knotted from be continuously running my hand through it.

Looking a little better, I gave a nod of approval and made my way back to where I was sitting.

Not looking at where I'm going, I accidentally bumped into a lady. She had strawberry blonde hair and kind eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry! I wasn't looking at where I'm going!" She said with a smile. I noticed that she had two coffee cups in her hand.

Politely, I returned a small smile to her and said, "That's okay Miss, I wasn't watching where I was going either."

After the kind-of-awkward incident, I continued my way back to the waiting area. When I finally made it, I found the officer with a panicked look on his face.

"Are you....okay?" I asked.

He seemed startled at my voice and whirled around time face me.

"Jesus! Where were you? I thought you left! Next time, tell me where you're going next time."

"I just had to use the restroom! I don't have to tell you anything, you're not the boss of me." I snapped. Guilt hit me soon though. All he was doing was looking at for me. Shockingly, he didn't seem surprised at my outburst this time.

"Come on kid." He said, with a nod of his head.

Without any words, I filled him into the elevator to the same floor where we had done the DNA test. He opened the door for me and shut the door after following me in. I say down on one of the uncomfortable chairs while the officer decided to remain standing. His hards were folded over his chest.

The sound of the clock ticking filled the room as awkward silence settled between us.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier." I said I'm a weak voice. I wasn't used to apologizing much.

"It's okay, I understand that this all must be very hard for you."

I nodded my head as tears gathered in my eyes. I hurriedly blinked them away.

Don't cry.
Don't cry.
Don't cry.

I repeated the thought until the lump in my throat disappeared. My leg was shaking again as I impatiently waited to meet my father.

Suddenly, the click of the door opening caught my attention. My head snapped towards the door. It seemed to open in slow motion. My breath caught in my throat when I saw who is was.




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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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