Chapter Three

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I wanted to talk about it.
Damn it.
I wanted to scream.
I wanted to yell.
I wanted to shout about it.
But all I could do was whisper
"I'm fine".



I awoke to a slight pounding on the front door. I lifted my head from my knees and gave a groan of pain. My head was pounding.

At first, I couldn't remember why I was on the floor, but once I glanced up at the, now, destroyed living room memories rushed to mind.


I pulled myself up from my previous position and stumbled to the door. Opening the door slightly, I found a familiar officer waiting patiently. He had a concern look branded on his face, but once he saw me it seemed to melt away.

"Good morning Eden, how are you?"

I frowned. Good morning? Nothing is good right now.

Instead of replying I gave a slight shrug and opened the door wider to let him through.

He walked passed me disappearing from my vision as he moved further within the house. I sighed and closed the door. I heard the officer's, whose name I still did not know, footsteps come to a halt abruptly.

He looked shocked due to the state of my living room. I moved from the doorway to stand beside him.

"You did this?" He asked.

"No, the tooth fairy did." I answered, sarcasm lacing my voice.

I rolled my eyes and plopped myself down onto the, surprisedly, still intact couch.

"Why are you here? What do you want now?"

I saw hesitation swim in his eyes. He knew something. Something important.

"Well, I needed to ask you a few questions first."

I nodded my head as a sign for him to continue.

"Firstly, has your mother ever said anything to you about your father?"


A frown laced onto his features before he asked another question.

"Is there someone that would hold a grudge to your mother?"

What? Why would he- he doesn't think...

"Are you suggesting that my mother was murdered?"

"Listen, I shouldn't really be telling you this but we have found that her brakes were cut. Her death wasn't an accident."

My blood ran cold. My mom, the person who smiled at everyone, the one who did the right thing now matter how hard it was for her, was murdered.

Tears pricked me eyes and my I balled my fists. She didn't deserve this.

"Eden, I need you to calm down before we continue."

I looked up at the officer before closing my eyes and taking deep breaths. I couldn't freak out right now. I needed to calm down.

Once I'm calm, I nod to the officer to

"We looked through your birth records to see if we could find anything on your father," he paused looking at me, "we believe that we possibly found him, but we are still unsure. If you can come back with me to the hospital we'll do some DNA tests to see if it's a match."

"And if there is a match I'll be leaving with a guy a never met before." I spat out. I didn't want to find my father. I've wait 16 years for him and he never came. I know that there is a possibility that he doesn't even know about me, but I still held a grudge against him for leaving my mother in such a state.

The officer sighed and his shoulders sagged. He glanced at the wreckage and looked about towards me.

"Right now, I don't think you're in the state of mind to be alone. Plus you're a minor, it's either you find him or go into the system."

"Who do you suspected to be my dad?" I asked.

If I'm going to live with guy, I might as well find out about him.

"Once everything is confirmed I'll tell you, busy as of now it's confidential."

Why do I get a bad feeling from this? Well I might as well get this over with. I stood up and started making my way to the front door. I heard the officer follow me to the car. He unlocked it and I got in, not bothering to wait for him.


It seemed like time dragged on. It felt like seconds turned into hours and those turned into years. The was a continuous click of a clock in the background, becoming nothing but white noise. I was waiting for the nurse to come in and take a bit of my DNA for the test.

Who could my father have been?

It was a topic that had never interest me much. At times I did get jealous of all the kids at school that had a father figure in their life, but my mom was all I needed. She played two roles and she was good at it.

Thinking of mom made tears spring into my eyes. I wondered what she would have been doing if she were still alive.

I was brought back to reality by the soft click of a door. A young brunette stepped in holding a clip board in her hands.

"Hello. How are you today?"

Seriously. My mother just died, how do you think I'm feeling?

She seemed to realize that I was not going to respond because her smiles slightly disappeared before she fixed it.

"Alright, I'm going to ask that you spit into this tube for the DNA test. The results will come in between 2-3 days."

I took the tube from her and did ask requested until it filled up to the line.

Her gloved hands took the tube and she gave me a small, quick smile before leaving.

Can I leave now?

I stayed in there for a few minutes before another person came in. It was the officer. He gave me a slight nod, indicating that it was time to go. I walked past it towards the elevator.

I hope that everything will be okay.

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