death of a bachelor

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John's POV

   Yes Grace was right. Chaos was starting and we had eleven hours and 50 minutes left of it. We hadn't witnessed a murder in the school until we left the classroom. But that's not yet.

   " guys do we just sit in here for 12 hours or what?" Annaleise asked.

   "We'll leave in a few we just need to know that most of the time we need to stick together." Grace said.

   "Yea, we all basically split when Klansky died last year and we didn't see each other all at once until the commons." Edwin said.

   Then I remembered me running after Grace and hearing the saw. But I also remember seeing Klansky tied by his arms and legs on the wall. Watching him pray to God that he could live. Then seeing him cry out while being sliced open by a saw. He saw his own blood and guts literally spill. We saw his last tear. His last his last blink. His last breath. But now knowing that it was his daughters doing makes me sick.

   I started to get dizzy and I fall back a bit. Edwin catches me.

   "Hey, are you ok bab... Bro." He says as he catches.

   "Yea, I'm fine." I say looking at him for longer than I think should have. He stares back at me. I break the stare and the silence in the room.

   "Um... ok guys lets head out. Do you all have your weapons?" I asked.

   "Yes we do." They all say in unison.

   I led the group out of the classroom. We saw that the hallway was clear. But then we heard a door slam. Then a scream of a boy. And the foot steps of a murderer.

   The group split. DAMNIT!!  Of course after we told the group not to split up. Grace and I ran toward the scream. We knew we were going to witness another murder. I thought it wouldn't be as bad as Klansky.

Grace's POV

   So yea, I give good advice no one takes it. Hmm normal day in my life. So as John said we followed the sound of a scream. It was Aaron Johnson. He was a freshman that year. Keyword: WAS. Wait was that mean that I giggled. He tried making a move on John once or twice so I hated him anyway.

   So to the sad/scary/gruesome part. We had followed the scream. We tiptoed. We saw a thing with a black fleece jacket that covered their whole height and they had a giant head. But they also had a bag in their back.

   They punched Aaron in the face and made him hit the floor. Then got rope from their bag and wrapped it around a pipe above the staircase. Then made a place where they can store Aaron's head like a nuece.

   They picked Aaron up slid his head into the nuece and slid it above the staircase he started to gag and scream and try to speak but he couldn't. Then the killer pulled Aaron back before he could actually die. So Aaron was still alive and breathing.

   The killer pulled a machete from its bag and sliced Aarons stomach open revealing his organs. I instantly got a flashback of Klansky screaming and crying and howlimg the same way Aaron was now the killer also slit Aaron's throat. The evil beast picked Aaron up like a baby still in the nuece as Aaron was bleeding out and dropped the body over the edge Aarons guts fell out of his body and hit the floor with a gentle splat. He was still hanging in the nuece

   We ran back to the group and Caleb and Edwin were gone. Annaleise was gone but not far behind us.

   "Um...guys....did I just witness someone dying?" Annaleise asked.

   "What do you expect from the purge, Annaleise?" John said sarcastically.

   "He is right. We said you'd have to witness murder and you wouldn't like it." I said

   "I guess you guys are right. I just need to stop being such a puss." Annaleise

   "Yea, butch up sista." John said.

   "I love you guys so much." Annaleise exclaimed as she pulled us into a group hug.

   "YAY HUGS!!" I yell

   "shut up!." John whisper yells. "I heard something."

   "It was probably my stomach growling. I'm still hungry. Sorry." Annaleise said.

   "We understand we are still hungry too." I said.

   "True." John said.

   "Let's go to the cafeteria then. Everything is legal then let's steal food." I said

   "You did the same thing last year." John said.

   "I know but it was helpful right?" I ask.

   "Yea, lets go I guess." John said.

   So we went and stuffed our faces with the best cafeteria chicken nuggets in the world.

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