out loud

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Edwin's POV

I still didn't want John to leave me. So a couple minutes after he left I left. I followed the sound of John's voice.

"I didn't want you here for a hook up, Carson." He said

"I know." Carson said

John stared at Carson for a long time. Then the silence and stare broke when a gun went off.

I ran away. Back upstairs so they didn't see me.

John's POV

  I knew Edwin was following us because I smelled his Adidas cologne. He wears it all the time. So after the gun went off Carson and I ran into a corner room and put the blinds down and locked the door.

   "So, how was your day other than .... You know the purge." Carson asked.

   "fine I guess..." I said

   "What's wrong? Is something bothering you?" He asked

   I started to cry. I couldn't handle it anymore. I wanted Edwin back. I loved him. I needed him.

  "I miss Edwin. A lot." I said in a sob.

   "I know" he said as he hugged me.

   "Let's get out of this room" I said

   "Why?" He asked

   "You don't want to know what happens here." I said

   Once we left the room we heard another gunshot. It was right behind us. We ran as fast as we could back upstairs. Carson tripped on a step but got back up in time to catch up to me.

  We ran back into the classroom and I went to Edwin and kissed him.

   "Now I feel better." I said to Carson.

  Edwin was grinning a huge grin then kissed me back.

   "I'm sorry for everything." He said

   "Its fine" I said. Grace was standing in the back of the room a huge frown on her face. I looked at Carson and he ran up to her picked her up and kissed her.

   Caleb and Annaleise were screaming. We checked a clock it was 3:38 we had less than 9 hours left. We all left the room. We all split with the buddy system. Grace chose Annaleise, Carson chose Caleb, and I chose Edwin.

Annaleise's POV

   I was honestly glad Grace chose me. We set off on our "adventure" as we called it. We ran into a student named Martina she was out of breath and had fear in her eyes.

   "There is a person in a mask chasing me...help" she said almost crying.

   "Shhhh, go to that room over there. Try to find a friend then lock it." Grace said.

   "Ok. Thank you so much." Martina said.

    We then went downstairs. There was a poster on the wall covered in Aaron's dry blood. We walked past Aaron's body then we headed to the bathroom.

   "Hey, can I piss for a second?" I asked.

    "Yeah, sure." Grace said

   So I pissed and we left the bathroom. We went to the study hall room and we saw a kid in the cubby hiding. He ran out of there and cane at me. I pulled my handgun out and shot him.

    He cried out in pain. I shot his leg. The cry sounded familiar.

   "Nick?" I asked.

The Purge: Sophomore SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now