The Threat Returns...

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The crew of Yukon Blue return to the Texas Shatterdome. The repair crews begin working on Yukon Blue as soon as he returned from Houston. "Marcus Jackson, Jason O'Reily, you men are the first to kill a Kaiju in over 30 years, consider yourselves recognized with the world." Said Commissioner Satwell. "Thank you sir." Said Jason and Marcus as they were dismissed by the Commissioner. Jason and Marcus head back to their quarters to get some rest after their big fight. Marcus turns on the TV to see what's on the news. He see's video footage of Yukon Blue fighting Great White. "Hey Jason, look at this. We made headlines today." Said Marcus. "Jaegers have always made headlines. Do they have the part of Yukon losing his arm?" Said Jason. "Nah, thankfully." Said Marcus. "Yeah, thankfully." Said Jason. Later that day, Jason and Marcus head down to the mess hall to grab their lunch. When they get their lunch, they're complimented by everybody in there, including other Jaeger pilots. "Jason, Marcus, how's it going?" Asked Roxanne Domingez, a 27 year old woman from America, and one of the pilots of the American Jaeger, Lady Liberty. She's also the step-sister of Marcus Jackson. "It's going great, Yukon Blue lost a fucking arm today, fucking bitch." Said Marcus. "Yeah, I heard, that was a nasty Category 3, it's not like Lady Liberty could've done it better." Said Roxanne. "Yeah I bet." Said Marcus. "Nah, you know I'm fucking with you man, i'll see you later." Said Roxanne as she left the mess hall. Marcus and Jason leave the mess hall to eat their lunch on a catwalk in front of Yukon Blue to watch the repairs. "Damn, the first kill in over 30 years, and we lost an arm. On the first one." Said Jason. "Hey, we survived, didn't we?, that's all that matters right now, plus, we won't get deployed until Yukon's repairs are finished." Said Marcus. Over in England, where the GJDA (Global Jaeger Defense Association) is located, Commissioner Satwell was ordered to report after what happened in Houston. "Commissioner Satwell, it's been a long time." Said the representative of North America. "Mister Satwell, can you-" Said the representative of Europe before he was cut off by Commissioner Satwell. "Correction, it's 'Commissioner' Satwell." Said Commissioner Satwell. "Right, I forgot, Commissioner Satwell, can you explain what recently happened in Houston, Texas, United States of America for us please?" Asked the representative of Europe. "Of course, yesterday, at approximately 2 AM, a Kaiju came through a breach in the Atlantic Ocean, near Houston, Texas. At 2:05, the Kaiju was identify at Category 3 codenamed Great White, by 2:10 the Jaeger pilots Marcus Jackson and Jason O'Reily of the Jaeger known as Yukon Blue were awoken from their sleep and prepped for combat. At 2:45, Yukon Blue reached the coast of Houston and began fighting the Kaiju. At 3:15 AM the Kaiju was reported dead by Yukon Blue." Said Commissioner Satwell. "Why was the Kaiju reported as a Category 3, instead of a Category 5?, last I checked, before the first breach was closed off the last Kaiju that breached was a Category 5 codenamed Slattern?" Asked the representative of North America. "To be honest, I cannot answer that question sir." Said Commissioner Satwell. "What happened to the Jaeger Yukon Blue after the Kaiju was killed?" Asked the representative of Asia. "Yukon Blue, lost an arm in the battle, he is being repaired as we speak." Said Commissioner Satwell. "How are the pilots?, did anyone of them sustain any injuries?" Asked the representative of South America. "Both pilots survived, due to many successful training drops they took before this attack occurred. However, due to Yukon Blue losing an arm, we have and are checking the pilot Marcus Jackson for any nerve damage sustained during the battle." Said Commissioner Satwell. "Commissioner Satwell, this is the final question, after this, you are dismissed. The first breach was located in the Pacific Ocean, however, this Kaiju; Great White, emerged out of the Atlantic Ocean, is it possible that we could be seeing breaches appear all across the world?" Asked the representative of Africa. "In all honesty, yes, because if we will be getting breaches in the Atlantic, then I think it is safe to say we will be seeing breaches everywhere, good day ladies and gentlemen." Said Commissioner Satwell as he leaves the GJDA HQ.

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