The Fate of Switchblade

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After many simulations to better themselves as the pilots of Switchblade, the Jaeger deemed the greatest by the GJDA, Ray and Michael are still suspended from being deployed into combat. Commissioner Satwell suspended them because of the New Orleans Disaster. The New Orleans Disaster was costly in lives and dollars, more than 2 thousand died during the battle, and many more were injured. It has been 3 weeks since they were suspended from combat, Ray and Michael do the simulations to make sure that they can kill whatever Kaiju comes out of the breach and to make sure another incident, like New Orleans doesn't happen again. The last Kaiju that breached was Tetro, a Category 1 crab-like Kaiju that could regenerate lost limbs at will, took hours to take down, and Switchblade needed the help of Lady Liberty, a fellow Jaeger stationed at the Houston Shatterdome. To pass the time in their suspension, Ray and Michael continue to do simulations, constantly pushing themselves to fight the harder Kaiju's. "Ok Michael, this time we're fighting 3 Kaiju's; Mutavore, Trespasser, and Scunner. Be ready." Said Ray as another simulation begins. "Yeah, I got that." Said Michael. Switchblade heads towards the coastline of the simulated city, where Mutavore and Trespasser emerge from the water. "Ok Michael, get ready, here they come." Said Ray. "Yeah I can see that Ray." Said Michael as they activate Switchblade's Right Switchblade. Mutavore and Trespasser charge at Switchblade at the same time. Switchblade kicks Trespasser away from the coastline, but Mutavore stabs Switchblade in the shoulder and pushes Switchblade towards the city. "Oh no you don't prick." Said Michael as Switchblade grabs Mutavore's arm, pulls it out of his shoulder, and breaks Mutavore's arm. While distracted with Mutavore, Trespasser grabs Switchblade's left leg and pulls him into the water. "Ah crap, we're being dragged under, we need to kill at least this one." Said Michael. Ray decides to grab the top of Mutavore's head and drag him down with Trespasser, that way there is no risk of any Kaiju destroying the city. While being dragged underwater, Switchblade uses his Right Switchblade to stab Mutavore in the neck and decapitate him. Now there there are only 2 Kaiju left. Trespasser manages to drag Switchblade to the bottom of the ocean floor, a place where Switchblade isn't designed for. Trespasser charges in at Switchblade, and Switchblade uses his Right Switchblade to stab Trespasser through the hand. But, Axehead grabs Switchblades right hand and crushes it and uses his axed-head to ram Switchblade away from him. "Dammit, where down an arm, what the hell do we do now?" Asked Michael. "We still have the left arm, and we still have weapons, so let's use them." Said Ray as Switchblade activates his left Plasmacaster and shoots Trespasser in the face. Trespasser backs away, releasing Switchblades right arm, and Switchblade goes to shoot Trespasser in the head again, but, Scunner, the last Kaiju to show itself catches Switchblade offguard from the right side and tackles the Jaeger down to the ground. "Dammit, we should've watched the right side!" Yelled Michael. "That was your side Michael!" Yelled Ray as Switchblade struggles to get away from Scunner. While Scunner attacks Switchblade, Trespasser charges at Switchblade again, trying to double team on Switchblade. "Ray, I got an idea, on my mark, deactivate the Plasmacaster and detach the right arm." Said Michael. "What?, detach the right arm?, what're you talking about?" Asked Ray. "Trust me Ray, I know what I'm doing." Said Michael. "I hope so." Said Ray. Trespasser still charges at Switchblade while Scunner is attacking Switchblade. "3, 2, 1, mark, now Ray!" Yelled Michael as Switchblade kicks Scunner away, deactivates the Left Plasmacaster and detaches the right arm. "Now I see what you were talking about Michael." Said Ray. "Yeah, glad you caught on, now, batter up!" Said Michael as Switchblade uses his own arm as a weapon to beat and kill Trespasser. "That's two down, one more to go." Said Michael. "Don't get cocky kid, one is still a problem. Don't forget, this particular Kaiju is fast under water and snuck up on us once before, so keep an eye out." Said Ray as Switchblade rips out the Switchblade from the detached right arm to use as a separate weapon against the remaining Kaiju. "Come on baby, where are you?" Asked Michael. "Oh, I know where he is." Said Ray as he points behind him, signalling that Scunner is behind Switchblade. Switchblade quickly turns around and stabs Scunner through the side of the head and pushes it through his head to where Scunner can't open his mouth. "Good, now keep that mouth shut you son of a bitch." Said Michael as Scunner is panicking to get the Switchblade out of his head and starts swinging his massive claws at Switchblade. Scunner hits Switchblade in the head on the right side with his claws. "Ah fuck, aaahhh!, dammit, no fair, I couldn't do anything about that." Said Michael as he struggles to get back up after being knocked down from the impact of Switchblade taking the hit to the head. "Quit your bitching and help me Michael, I can't hold this arm by myself." Said Ray as he struggles to hold Scunner's right hand back. "Yeah, yeah, give me a minute old man." Said Michael. "We don't have a minute!" Yelled Ray as he tries to get Scunner's right hand away so Switchblade could counter-attack. Michael could barely move his body, the majority of Switchblade's damage is on the right side, Michael's side. "Dammit, fuck it, I'll do it myself!" Yelled Ray as Switchblade headbutts Scunner and activates his Left Switchblade and stabs Scunner through the bottom of the bottom jaw and pushes the Switchblade upward. Switchblade slices Scunner's head in half. That is the end of this triple-event simulation. "Oh thank god it's over, I couldn't move, I feel like I have permanent nerve damage in my whole body." Said Michael he lays down on the cold floor of the simulation room. "You were a liability there Michael, you know that?" Said Ray as he stares at Michael, who's laying flat on the floor. "What did you want me to do Ray?, I was practically paralyzed from all that damage, I'm the one who came up with the idea to kill Axehead, do you know how much that shit fucking hurt?" Asked Michael. "That isn't the point Michael, you're a soldier, no, not even a soldier, a Jaeger pilot, we're supposed to'RE supposed to be better than everyone else right?, than stop acting like it until it's time to prove it. Yukon Blue had one of his arms ripped off, when we fought Tetro, I had my arm stabbed through completely, why couldn't you handle it?" Said Ray. "I don't know." Whispered Michael. "What? What did you say?" Asked Ray. "I don't know." Said Michael. "If you want to be better than everyone else, then at least push yourself to be better dammit." Said Ray. "Ray Diaz and Michael Smith, report to my quarters at once." Said Commissioner Satwell through the PA system. Ray and Michael arrive at Commissioner Satwell's quarters. They have no knowledge of why he ordered them to go to his quarters. "Sir." Said Ray as he looks at Commissioner Satwell ready for any order. "Commissioner." Said Michael as he looks at Commissioner Satwell with a face of slight disgust "Boys. How've you been?" Asked Commissioner Satwell as he pours a small glass of Whiskey behind his desk. "Fine, sir, we've been just fine." Said Ray as he holds his head up and his arms behind his back, like a soldier would. "Bullshit, sir, we want to return to active duty, remove the suspension. We don't need it anymore, I'm sure enough time has passed already, plus, I'm bored as shit doing these simulations." Said Michael as he slams his palms on Commissioner Satwell's desk. "Michael! FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE, SHUT THE FUCK UP AND SHOW SOME RESPECT TO A SUPERIOR FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!" Yelled Ray. "Nah, fuck that, I only show respect to those who actually deserve it." Said Michael as he looks at Commissioner Satwell in the eyes. "Wow, you don't have a very high opinion of me, do you Michael?" Asked Commissioner Satwell. "Oh fuck no. Not all." Said Michael. "Sir, with all due respect, and, I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but, I do agree with Michael on one thing he said." Said Ray. "And what that be, Ray?" Asked Commissioner Satwell as he takes a sip of his whiskey. "That we do wish to return to active duty sir. Everything else Michael said is his own opinion." Said Ray. Commissioner Satwell gets out of his chair, and looks at a shelf with medals and pictures. "Did you know I was one of the pilots of the Jaeger known as Marksman Override?" Asked Commissioner Satwell. Both Michael and Ray froze for a minute. "What? Marksman Override? The Jaeger who technically destroyed Malibu and Pearl Harbor?" Asked Michael. "Yes, that one. Did you know I also had a different co-pilot for nearly every mission Marksman Override was deployed on?" Asked Commissioner Satwell. "No, we did not." Said Michael. "I swore an oath, as a Jaeger pilot, and as a human being, to not let another city be destroyed by a Jaeger because of my reckless actions. That's how Malibu was destroyed. Pearl Harbor just couldn't be helped." Said Commissioner Satwell. "Sir, where are you going with this?" Asked Ray. "I spoke to the GJDA about your suspension. A slight majority felt it was necessary to suspend you two from the field because of the similarities of Malibu and Pearl Harbor.
Ultimately, it was my decision alone that suspended you two. A few hours ago, I spoke to the GJDA again about your suspension, they recommended me to end the suspension in fear of another Kaiju attack soon." Said Commissioner Satwell. "Sir, what does that mean?" Asked Ray. "It means that your suspension has officially ended, but it wasn't because of the fear of another attack. It was because of my empathy for you two. I did what you two did, and I was never suspended, I was never even told what I did was wrong. It was just to kill a Kaiju and that's it." Said Commissioner Satwell. "Thank you sir, truly. Come on Michael." Said Ray as Michael remains quiet and both Ray and Michael leave Commissioner Satwell's quarters. "And sir, one last thing, here's the list." Said Michael as he leaves the list of the dead from the New Orleans incident on Commissioner Satwell's desk.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2021 ⏰

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