Rush In Time

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Switchblade has been battling Tetro for 5 hours now. He's an arm down and Tetro can regrow his limbs at any given time. The Jaeger, Lady Liberty is enroute to Switchblade's position to help him out. "Liberty, it would be great if we had you alongside us right now." Said Michael as Switchblade punches Tetro to the floor. Tetro stabs Switchblade in the abdominal region. "AAAHHH!, we're hit, I repeat, we're hit...aaahhh." Said Ray. "Hold on Switch, we're almost there." Said Roxanne. "Hurry, we can't hold him off for much longer." Said Michael as Switchblade pulls Tetro's arm out of his abdominal region. "Switchblade, we're in New Orleans, where exactly are you?" Asked Roxanne. "Are you fucking kidding me?!, look for the destruction trails!" Yelled Michael as Tetro is on top of Switchblade, stabbing the Mark 5. "We see you, we'll get him off you, Roxanne, full speed ahead." Said Emily as Lady Liberty charges at Tetro full speed. Tetro turns to his right and see's Lady Liberty. Lady Liberty delivers a flying knee to Tetro and gets him off of Switchblade. "Right Shotgun Palm!" Yelled Roxanne as Lady Liberty shoots Tetro with a shotgun blast that exits through Lady Liberty's palms. "Left Shotgun Palm!" Yelled Roxanne as now Lady Liberty shoots Tetro with the Shotgun Palm. "Empty the clip!, empty the clip!" Yelled Roxanne as Lady Liberty continuosly shoots Tetro with both Shotgun Palms. "We can't kill him while he's in the city, we need to get him back to the coastline." Said Emily. "Any ideas how?" Asked Roxanne. "No, not exactly." Said Emily. "I have one, the same way we got him here." Said Michael as Switchblade stabs Tetro in the back again and throws him back to the coastline. "Structural integrity: 48%." Said the CPU for Switchblade. "Sounds like we can finish the battle with Liberty." Said Michael. "Then let's do it Switch." Said Roxanne as Lady Liberty and Switchblade charge at Tetro firing everything they have at Tetro. Eventually, Lady Liberty and Switchblade destroy the crest that regenerates the limbs. "Fire Shoulder Missiles!" Yelled Ray as 2 rectangular Missile Launchers emerge from Switchblade's shoulders and fires 8 large AKM missiles at Tetro. The missiles hit Tetro's body and even blasts off an arm, the one that kills Tetro though is a hit to the face. 1 missile hits Tetro in the face and explodes, leaving a hole in Tetro's face. Tetro collapses to the ground after the shot to the face. "Ah, finally, it's over, fuck man, this was not no damn Category 1." Said Michael. "Doesn't matter what Category it is, it's dead now, and we killed it. Come on, Lady Liberty, thanks for the assistance, we're returning home." Said Ray as Switchblade and Lady Liberty walk home. They return to a crowd of mixed emotions, people happy of the death of another Kaiju, which means another victory, and people angry and upset of the destruction of another major city and the death of civilians. "Jaeger crews Lady Liberty and Switchblade. Report to my quarters. Now." Said Commissioner Satwell as Michael, Ray, Roxanne, and Emily go to Commissioner Satwell's quarters. They enter the room with Commissioner Satwell in a state of anger and disappointment. "You wanted to see us sir." Said Ray. "I did. Do you know why?" Asked Commissioner Satwell as he pours himself a large glass of whiskey. "No sir, we do not, sir." Said Ray. "Of course you don't. You weren't on the other side of your actions." Said Commissioner Satwell as he slams his glass of whiskey on his desk. "Sir?" Asked Emily. "Do you realize what you did?, Ray?, Michael?, Emily?, Roxanne?" Asked Commissioner Satwell. "No sir, we do not." Said Ray. "YOU DESTROYED NEW ORLEANS MORE THAN THE KAIJU WOULD HAVE!!!" Yelled Commissioner Satwell. "With all due respect sir, we did our job: kill the Kaiju. That was our mission, you wanted us to kill it and we did." Said Michael. "DAMMIT MICHAEL YOUR ACTIONS DESTROYED NEW ORLEANS AND IN THE PROCESS OF THE BATTLE, 2,000 LIVES WERE LOST. THAT'S WHAT THIS IS ABOUT. NOT THE TIME IT TOOK TO KILL A CATEGORY 1, THE DEATH TOLL IT CREATED DURING THE BATTLE!!!" Yelled Commissioner Satwell. "I thought New Orleans was evacuated before the Kaiju arrived at the coastline." Said Roxanne. "IT WAS STILL IN THE PROCESS OF EVACUATION, NEW ORLEANS IS A MAJOR CITY AND TIGHT CORNERS, IT WOULD'VE TAKEN AT LEAST A DAY TO COMPLETELY EVACUATE THE CITY. BUT INSTEAD OF KEEPING THE FIGHT AT THE COAST, YOU CAUSED MAJOR DESTRUCTION TO THE CITY!!!" Yelled Commissioner Satwell. "Sir, we understand clearly what happened to-." Said Roxanne as she was cutoff by Commissioner Satwell. "I'M NOT FINISHED YET, AND YOU TWO, SOMEWHAT, ASSISTED THE DESTRUCTION OF THE MAJOR CITY!!!" Yelled Commissioner Satwell. "Sir, we don't understand." Said Roxanne. "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND?, YOU CONTINUED TO FIGHT THE BATTLE IN THE CITY INSTEAD OF DRAWING THE FUCKING KAIJU BACK INTO THE COAST!!!" Yelled Commissioner Satwell. "So what are going to do to us sir?" Asked Ray. "Both Jaegers will be deemed restricted from you, unless, an emergency requires it. Until that day comes or until my say, you are suspended from even touching your Jaegers." Said Commissioner Satwell. "Suspended!?" Asked Michael as he walks up to Commissioner Satwell. "YES, SUSPENSION, THIS IS MY MERCY FOR THE 4 OF YOU. I HAVE A LIST OF THE DEATH TOLL FROM NEW ORLEANS, I WANT THE 4 OF YOU TO LOOK AT IT AND READ EACH NAME AND THEN BRING IT BACK WHEN YOUR DONE. THEN, I MIGHT CONSIDER SHORTENING YOUR SUSPENSION. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR PILOTS!!!" Yelled Commissioner Satwell. "Yes sir." Said Michael, Ray, Roxanne, and Emily. "Good, good. You are dismissed, and take the list. And by the way, the list is piling up as we speak." Said Commissioner Satwell as Michael takes the list of the death toll and Ray, Roxanne and Emily leave Commissioner Satwell's quarters.

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