Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


Jess' POV:



I woke up and answered the phone.

-Hello?- I said.

-Woman! I'm outside of your house where are you?!- My boyfriend shouted. With those screams I woke up completely.

I look at my clock. "8:15"

-Oh Damn! I'll be there in one minute!- I told him and hung the phone.

I quickly stood up, grabbed some clothes and got dressed as fast I could.

I tied my hair into a messy ponytail and ran downstairs. I took my school bag and ran outside. I quickly entered to the car and he drove me to school. I looked at him and he had a scar of a cut on his mouth.

When we got to school we got down as he shouted me how bad I was behaving. "Do I really deserve this?...."

We were walking when I saw Terry and Harry. (uuh! that sounded cool), anyways I looked closer and my friend had something big, purple and swollen on her face.

Teressa's POV:

I was walking with Harry to the school and I saw Jess walking to us with his boyfriend and....

Wait a second.

"Damn! How could I had been so blind?!"

-Teressa...- Harry started.

-I know...- I interrupted him. I walked faster.

-Terry what happened to you?- Jess said. I ignored her and pointed Ryan's chest with my finger.

-You!- I shouted getting closer to him. I saw the cut Harry made him when he punched him and smiled. -I hope it hurts- I told him.

-Teressa what's wrong with you?- Jess shouted me.

-Your stupid boyfriend made this to her- Harry said pointing my face.

-Hey! Stop it! What's wrong with you two?- Jess started but Ryan interrupted her.

-I hope it hurts too- he said pushing me back.

-Don't you dare to touch her!- I heard Harry and someone behind me saying that at the same time. We all turned and saw Niall walking to us.

-What are you gonna do midget?- Ryan said walking to him.

-Hey!- I started shouting but he pushed me hardly and I was going to fall to the ground when Harry caught me from behind and stood me up.

-You're not going to threaten me anymore- Niall said. He was smaller than Ryan, a lot. I was worried. "Please don't fight...."

-Okay, What the hell is going on?!!!- Jess screamed.

Niall turned to her.

-He's cheating you Jess!-

-What?- she was surprised.

-Shut up midget!- Ryan shouted as he started rising his fist. Niall acted first. I was surprised, he really was having courage, he didn't hesitate or had fear.

He punched Ryan and his cut got open again and started bleeding.

-Niall!!- Jess shouted.

-Jess! He has been cheating you! He's not with you because he loves you! He is always threatening me! look what he has done to my sister!- Niall shouted.

-You've talked to much Horan!- Ryan shouted as he lunged against Niall. They both fell to the ground.

-No!- I said as I started pulling Ryan from my brother.

-Get lost!- he shouted me. I couldn't react early, Ryan's hand was punching my face, just where the paintball hit me.

-Aaahhhgg!- I screamed, stepping back.

-You idiot!- Harry shouted and took Ryan's arm and pulled him up.

He even was taller than Harry.

-So it's true?- Jess said.

Suddenly, everything seemed to stop. Everyone looked at her. She was crying.

-What?- Ryan said as he slapped out Harry's hand from his shirt.

-Is it true?!- she repeated, shouting.

-What are you talking about?- Ryan said, cleaning the blood that came out from his mouth with his hand.

-You were really cheating me! You really have been threatening Niall! You did that to Teressa! You... You...-

She stepped forward and slapped Ryan on the face.

-Have you done what I think you did?- Ryan said in a challenging tone.

-Yes!- Jess said. -This is over, you're busted-

She turned and started walking, then she turned and said.

-And I hope it hurts-



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