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Grayson's POV

"Gr-Grayson?" It was her. It was y/n. My vision cleared and I turned around and saw her. She had bruises and cuts...everywhere. Her hands were chained onto the wall by chains that were about 8 feet long. She stood up as fast as her weak body could.

I ran to her and hugged her tightly. I never wanted to let her go. I never wanted her to leave my arms again. She started crying which made me want to cry too. We pulled away from the hug after a while and I stared into her eyes full of sadness but happiness at the same time.

After 10 seconds of staring into her eyes she gave me a light smile. I broke the silence after a while.

Your POV

Grayson: Ar-Are you ok?
He said as he grabbed my arm and looked at the cuts on my legs
Y/n: Yeah um- I'm fine, it just hurts a little..
Gray: Your not ok there's bruises and blood everywhere. Is there water in here somewhere?

I pointed to the corner of the room.

Y/n: Yeah there's like 4 bottles in that corner over there.

He walked over to the corner and grabbed a bottle. I sat down on the floor slowly as he walked back.

Grayson: This is gonna have to do the trick.

He pulled his black ripped up shirt over his head revealing his slightly cut six pack. I couldn't help but stare. He rolled it up into a ball and poured some water over it. He crouched down and grabbed my leg. He out his wet shirt on the cuts on my upper thigh. I moaned in pain.

Grayson: Sorry
Y/n: It's ok it just stings.
Grayson: Listen y/n...I've been wanting to tell you this for a wh-

He was cut off by the door opening. A man walked into the room with 2 chains that looked like yours.

Y/n: Grayson....

Grayson stood up and turned around.

Man: What's up pretty boy.
The man said with a smirk.

Grayson: What do you want.
Man: Walk to the wall across from the girl, sit down, and put your hands up against the wall.
Grayson: Listen don't hurt her anymore just-
Man: DO. IT.

He did as he was told. The man put the cuffs on Grayson and attached them to the wall. The man was about to leave.

Grayson: You fucking asshole...
Grayson murmured under his breath.

The man turned around and stared Grayson in the eyes.

Man: What did you just say?
Grayson: I called you an asshole
Grayson said with a smirk on his face.

The man pulled out a knife and started walking towards me.

Grayson: No please...don't touch her.

The man got to me and put the knife onto my thigh. My whole body tensed up and got goosebumps. I could hear Grayson's breathing from across the room. It was shaky and he was taking long breaths.

Grayson: Get your hands off of her!
*A few seconds later*
Grayson: Please!
Grayson said with a crack in his voice.

After a while of the man still having his knife on my thigh, he stood up and headed for the door.

Man: Watch your mouth next time boy, if not something bad will happen. He left the room and slammed the door shut.

Ethan's POV

It's been about an hour. I was still just sitting there listening to music when I saw someone walk out of the brick building. It was a man in a suit. "I hope they didn't find or get Gray..." I thought to myself. What am I gonna do if I have to go in there in 30 minutes? The same thing as Grayson? Just walk in? I guess that's the only thing I really CAN do...just walk in and hope for the best.

Grayson's POV

He almost hurt y/n because of me. How much dumber can I get. He already left the room so it was just me and her. Once again I wanted to tell her how I felt, but like this? Chained up to a wall? I don't know. I thought back to the times when I didn't know where she was. At night I would play songs that reminded me of her. Like "Just a dream" by Nelly....or "Let her go" by Passenger. They would make me cry in the dark. But she's here now, and that's all that matters.

Grayson: Y/n I'm so sorry...he almost hurt you because of me.
Y/n: Grayson, don't worry it's ok.
Grayson: No it's not, if ethan and me wouldn't have left you that night, we probably wouldn't be here right now.
Y/n: Grayson...seriously....it's ok. Wait...where's Ethan..?

Ethan.....How long has it been since I've been in here?? An hour? An hour and a half?

Grayson: Omg Ethan....
Y/n: What, what happened is he ok?
Grayson: I hope so....he was my lookout so he's outside in the car right now. He said if I didn't come back in and hour and a half he would come inside to look for me. I don't know how long it's been....
Y/n: Oh no....How did you guys find me??
Grayson: I got worried so I went to your house and I found it all broke into and I called Ethan over. We found a note on the floor with a name and phone number. Long story short we stole a phone and found text messages with the guy that took you. In the messages was this address...so yeah.

I decided to leave out the part where I broke down crying. Right now wasn't the time....

Y/n: Wow...I can't believe you guys did that.
Grayson: Yeah I can't either, but I guess if you really want something you work hard and are determined to get it.

Ethan's POV

It's been an hour and a half...I guess it's my time to shine... I turned off the radio and got out of the car. I walked up to the front door and pulled it open.

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