You know you're a Oncer when...

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That awkward moment when you realize what makes you a Oncer.

-You yell at the tv when you are watching the show

-You act like Rumple when you're bored

-You walk out of the room every time you see the cartoon Peter Pan

-Your friends and family don't understand you anymore because you're crying over something that didn't really happen

-You easily get mad when someone insults the show

-Your week goes as followed: Mondays: you are happy and deep in thought about yesterday's episode. Tuesdays and Wednesdays: Depending on the episode, you are either still okay with it, or you start quoting the show. Thursdays: You sit around all day, waiting for the sneak peeks. Fridays: Well, let's just say you're not the happiest person in the world. Saturdays: You pace around the house, often saying something like "You feed the madness and it feeds on you, you feed the madness and it feeds on you!" Sundays: You wait patiently all day and then you are happy for an hour and then you're miserable again for a week

-People you know tend to steer clear of you on Fridays and Saturdays

-No one dares call you during the hour you're watching the show because they are afraid you'll start quoting Rumple, or as they know him, the crazy man

-You believe in magic, fairy tales and happy endings

-You keep telling your friends that they will get their happy ending and they think you're delusional

-You're friends are so sick of you talking about fairy tales that they try to interest you in other things, but you point out the similarities between the two things and insist it's a sign to stick with OUAT (ex. Cooking and OUAT are similar because of Granny's diner, duh!)

-You have a radar for anything remotely similar to anything or anyone on the show. (Ex. Friend: Hey, wanna go to the camp fire with my family and I? You: BEALFIRE!!! HE'S DEAD!!!!!! Friend: you know what? Never mind...

-You actually get annoyed when a friend has never heard of the show and they think it's not a real show and you are just insane

That Awkward Moment When... OUAT EditionWhere stories live. Discover now