Things I've Left Unsaid

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It was 10 in the morning and Ben and I had just managed to dress ourselves and walk down to the tour bus waiting for us in the parking lot. I woke up quickly, seeing the large bus with their name on the sides and guitars.

It made me smile knowing that two years ago, I was merely dreaming of going on tour with these assholes.

I followed Cameron onto the bus and gawked at the size and interior design. To the boys this was just their bus, but to me this was amazing. Leather seats and sleek brown walls surrounded us with a small kitchen sink and cupboard. Beside the small kitchenette was a door that I assumed was to the bathroom.

The small hallway was actually lined with bunks and lead to the back lounge where a PS3 and large tv and mini fridge were.

Beside the mini fridge was a short staircase that lead to a small upstairs lounge. I decided I liked it best up there and mentally claimed the purple bean bag as my own for the time being.

Suddenly I heard shouting from the main room. I ran back down, throwing my things into a random bunk that was yet to be claimed and to the source of the noise.

Apparently, Danny thought they'd start the tour by tackling Ben and tickling hin senseless on the ground. He giggled like a little girl and I couldn't contain my laughter as I squeezed in between Cam and Danny, joining in on the fun.

"Suck a cock!" Ben managed to half yell, half laugh as Danny's large hands attacked under his arms. Cameron held them above his head and Ben was now screaming. "Stop it or I'll fucking piss!" He warned and I sat back, enjoying this cruel form of torture towards him.

Nikki sat beside me with a smirk. "So why are they all tickling him until he pees?" I wondered, turning to my best friend.

Her smirk grew wider. "Because Ben showed my nudes on Danny's phone to James." My mouth dropped.

"Why does Danny need pictures, yous fuck like rabbits." I mumbled and she laughed out loud but was unable to provide a solid reason. I settled for her half asses shrug as the boys finished their horseplay.

"Time to hit the road!" Danny called to the driver and Ben sat beside me, attempting to catch his breath. "Traitor." He mutter under his breath with a sneaky sideways glance in my direction.

My smirk was a reply and he leaned in closer to my ear for a moment. I could feel his warm breath on my neck and it sent a shiver down my spine. "You'll pay for that later." He growled sexily in my ear, not loud enough for the others to hear. I swallowed and looked to him briefly. I could play this to my advantage later, which I fully intended to.

After a short drive in ridiculous traffic, we arrived at the venue for the first Warped tour. The boys all cheered as we pulled into the bus lot where a bunch of other tour buses had arrived. Nikki grabbed my hand and yanked me off of the bus and toward a tour bus that read "Issues" on the side.

My eyes grew wide when I realised who was standing in front of the bus. Nikki skipped over and introduced us shamelessly as I blushed madly.

"Hey, I'm Nikki and this is Ash." She flicked her hair flirtatiously over her shoulder and I suppressed an eye roll at the sick game her and Danny played, only to make up with more sex.

Tyler and Michael both exchanged glances before smiling warmly at the two weirdos before them. "Hey, girls. I'm Michael and this is Tyler. You fans?" Nikki nodded and I did too, still a little anxious about meeting one of my favourite bands in person.

"You're awfully quiet, gorgeous. What's on your mind?" Tyler asked with a friendly smile. I couldn't help but return it before replying with, "I'm brilliant actually, meeting one of my idols and all." I said more confidently than first expected.

Tyler's bright smile widened and he checked his phone, hearing the message tone go off. "We'd better head off, but it was nice meeting you. See you around?" I managed to nod quickly before he flashed another heart melting smile and walked away.

I turned around just in time to run straight into Ben who looked fixated on something in the distance.

"Hey, you." I wrapped my arms around his waist and he looked down, his eyebrows furrowed briefly before his expression relaxed.

"Hey, making friends?" He asked casuallt, grabbing my hand and pulling me back to the bus. I grinned. "I hope so! I just met two parts of Issues." I explained excitedly. He rolled his eyes and leant back against the bus, taking a cigarette from the pack in his pocket. He lit it with his Led Zeplin lighter and I smiled but quickly wiped it off my face.

"Those will kill you, you know." I pointed out matter of factly. He scoffed before shoving the lighter back in his pocket. "I'll die long before these kill me, love." He winked and I studied him for a moment, taking in the rugged look of his stubble under his chin. His eyes wandered aimlessly around the lot, taking in the unfamiliar and known faces of other band members.

He must have felt my gaze since he turned to me and returned the curious interest in which I'd held toward him. "You alright?" He asked, cocking a fuzzy eye brow at me. I simply smiled and nodded before reaching up and pecking his cheek with my lips. With that, I walked off leaving him to wonder about me further. 

I Can't Take Another Disappointment- Ben BruceWhere stories live. Discover now