you hate each other {hemmo1996/4}

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You Hate Each Other {hemmo1996/4}

{ something wrong with using hemmo1996? And btw guys I'm so happy for the lads right now because they've been given a chance to play the billboard awards in Las Vegas. Let's all be happy for them because they've achieved one of their biggest goals in life already }

"What is she doing here?" Luke groans as you enter the room.

You whip your head around giving him your best evil stare making him slightly jump. You smirk.

"Now you two play nice or you're going in time out," Ashton warns.

"Take me to time out as long as I'm away from that guy," you say to Ashton pointing to Luke who looked slightly afraid.

"(Y/n)," Calum says waving a finger at you.

"Take her to time out, her presence annoys me," Luke rolls his eyes.

"Luke!" Ashton calls.

"I suggest we put both of them in time out," Michael offers. "Force them not to hate each other."

"Hell no," you yell. "He's such an ass, he'll stink up the place."

Luke takes a couch pillow, throwing it at you. You slap it away making it accidentally hit Calum in the face.

"All right! She just got here why can't you two just make up?" Calum whines.

"Because she's a brat!"

"He's a prick!"

"She's an idiot!"

"He's a douche!"

"She's a bitch!!"

Everyone gasps.

"So are you," you reply.

"Shut the hell up and lock them in a closet already!" Michael shouts.

You don't know how they did it but they had managed to get the both of you in a closet.

Luke's slides his back down the wall, sitting down across from you. You plop down on to your butt letting out an exasperated sigh.

" Fuck" you cursed under your breath.

"You started it." he argues.

" I did not. You're the one who started all of this shit. "

"Because of you, we are stuck in here."

"Don't blame me, Hemmings. Blame those assholes for locking us in here." You retort.

"Hey," he exclaims, "don't point your fingers at my friends. Don't bring them into this."

"They're my friends too."

"Well they like me more."

"Are you even straight? You hate me like I stole your boyfriend or something."

"I'm as straight as my dick, thank you very much."he snaps.

"Uhmm... Gross." He scoot a little ways away from him. "Don't talk about you dick. I don't care about it."

"Do you know what, (y/n)?" He asks.

"What?" You roll your eyes.

"We should make out."

" That's a big no. "

"I'm not kidding. We should."

"I thought we hated each other."

Luke comes closer to you whispering in your ear, "I can tell the guys are listening behind the door," he says quietly, "just follow my lead."

"Alright. "

Luke then starts to imitate kissing sounds and you start to giggle. He put a finger in front of his lips gesturing you to be quiet, you quickly cover your mouth. Luke continues the noise and you decide to join in making soft moaning noise. Luke covers his mouth, starting to laugh. You moan some more, scratching at the walls to add more affect. Luke uses the zipper on his sweater to give the affect that you were removing your clothes. You start to moan louder as Luke starts to groan. You let out a loud whimper and start to lightly bang on the wall.

The door abruptly opens, "WHAT ARE YOU TWO DO- oh." Calum looks confused, the two other guys also confused behind him. You and Luke begin to laugh hysterically you had to clutch your stomachs. You two high fived.

"So does this mean you two are made up now?" Ashton asks.

"Yup," you and Luke say, still laughing.

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