Chapter 2

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Much to my disgust, the girl survived. Of course she was banished from the coven and was no longer employed in the club. Stuart took over in ensuring that she never set foot in our town again. There would be no second chance for her. If she came near us again, I would kill her. After Phil stopped hugging me, Curtis took me upstairs, of course giving Sid the obligatory scowl that friends always give in these situations. I didn't know what to think, I was still running high on adrenalin as I walked back up the stairs. It wasn't until I passed Kayla's bedroom that I finally collapsed into his arms. My sobbing woke Dylan up and of course he came out to see what had upset his mother. He was very protective of me. He was the reason that I survived Harry's attack, he was the reason I still stand today. The rest of the day was a blur as I trudged through my usual routine. Lucinda appeared but wasn't her vibrant self. She was happy but in a subdued way. It was more like a respectful pleasantness. She was trying to be upbeat but she knew I was hurting. I knew she didn't need this in her life, her daughter was due to give birth any day now.

But what was worse than her having to be here and not with her daughter? The fact that my entire pack would know something has happened. As I sat at the table with Dylan on my lap, she told me that Phil didn't call her, she felt her alpha's pain. She felt that I had used a gale force attack on someone and came rushing here. That was how Phil knew something was wrong and came to help me, thinking I was in danger. But I wasn't the one in danger. So now the entire pack knew that something had happened that was so bad that I had attacked someone using one very old wolf attack. Even though I had no clue why or how, I had managed to do something that very few wolves can do. I knew my uncle would be turning up pretty soon. Lucinda said that I had to be trained properly. I needed to be able to control my actions and my emotions so that there would be no repeat of what happened to Sid.


Two days had passed since the incident and I was yet to speak to Sid, even though he tried. Now he sported one very big black eye courtesy of Phil and I suspect that below the clothes might have been a few more. Werewolves are very loyal and very pack orientated and for the alpha's husband to cheat on her, regardless of whether it was a kiss or more, it was enough to earn him a beating. I didn't know what I wanted to happen, I was lost in a sea of sadness. Unable to think of anything more than five minutes ahead of me, I trudged through the day with the same look on my face. Like a zombie. Nights were worse. I didn't want to fight; I still hadn't talked to him. So when he readied for bed and looked at it with a small ray of hope, I rolled over and looked out the glass sliding door. He slept in the bed but it was the worst sleep I had ever had, including the times where Dylan kept me awake with his in utero growling. I knew he wanted to speak to me, but what could he say to me that would make it better? What could I say to him that would make him understand what he has done, how he has hurt me? I was supposed to be the light of his life and the only woman he wanted, but one flutter of the eyes and his off chasing some blonde. It didn't make any sense to me, he was so jealous over Noah and Cody, even Linus was given the evil eye. So why do to me what he fears I might do to him?

After two days of me not speaking to him, I guess he wasn't prepared to spend a second night lying in bed listening to me cry myself to sleep. I could feel the bed move as he drew closer to me. Still laying on my side, he got as far as he dared and traced his fingers over my bare arm.

"You know I was never like this when you kissed the woman at the gym."

"And you know that I struggle to control the vampire and wolf in me."

"Don't blame them for it Veronica. You are just being a hypocrite"

"I was never going to have sex with her. She kissed me. I was only there for the blood and nothing more. Your kiss with that woman was emotional. There was no blood lust happening just normal sexual lust. Don't try and justify your actions by flipping it back on me. The situations were different and you damned well know it."

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