Chapter 5

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I woke in the morning feeling insanely refreshed. Even though Sid had kept his word on giving me very little time to sleep, I still felt revived. Maybe it was from too much sex. He was still wrapped around me like a snake coiling itself around its victim. I hadn't felt this great in such a long time. There was actually a smile on my face. As I rolled over to face his chest, he wrapped his arms around me, continuing his grip on me. Like he was afraid to let go.

Sid was like a new person, he was up and had the children at the table and eating food before I had even made it out the bedroom. When I finally found something very foxy to wear, tight jeans and a loose singlet top, I emerged from the bedroom finding Stuart at the table talking to Sid.


Sid's eyes washed over me, his eyebrow raising slightly with a hint of a smirk. I grinned at him as my hand slid over the back of his chair, running past his shoulder blades.

"Did you sleep well?"

His eyes beamed up at me, clearly some very salacious thoughts were going through his mind.

"Oh I did, what about you?"

"Very much so." he grinned.

I sat beside him, he had even made a coffee for me. Stuart sat there a little perplexed but said nothing. Things were good, that's all that mattered.

"Sid and I were just discussing the profit and loss of the club." Stuart says before taking a sip of his coffee "I've gone over the past few months, compared them to last year."

"Are things bad?"

"Oh dear god no." he chuckled "This was more about the cost of the blood. It's increasing, at first it was only small amounts but it's been getting worse. I spoke with Leon yesterday, he said that his interest in the blood banks has been winding up of recent months, at the moment he is only a minor shareholder."

"I thought he wanted the business, it was profitable."

"Yes, there was a time where it was profitable. Maybe your uncle saw the writing on the wall and decided to get out slowly, he said it's not making the money that it used to."

I frowned, wondering if my departure had anything to do with the blood clinic going downhill.

"I'll go and see Linus and collect the order if you like."

Sid said nothing but I could see the look on his face. He was staring at the table; his lips were pressed together in one long line of pale pink. Any minute now he would burn a hole through the table.

"Well we need to figure out why the price is increasing so dramatically. I can't imagine that they are paying the humans more."

"It's just greed Stuart, you know the motive behind this one."

I had cleared out all of the mummy clothes into a box, ready to dump them into a charity bin. It wasn't as if they were ugly, they were nice clothes. They just weren't me. I don't even know what possessed me to buy them. Maybe I had given up. Sid was dressing the children to join me in my little journey to see my ex-boyfriend. I had said nothing, not wanting to dwell on the fact that it was jealousy that was doing this, not trying to figure out why he was paying more for blood. The only problem was that tonight was full moon and Dylan was still running around, excited and ready for nightfall and Kayla was in one very grizzly mood. But still he persisted and had them ready to go. And that was the reason that I was now leaning on the ledge of the reception desk, talking to Rita while Sid chased after Dylan and tried to calm Kayla. Linus opened the door and looked at the utter bedlam in his reception area.

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