Chapter 6

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Dylan was beside me the whole way through the forest, I think that I have really wronged him in not coming out here, clearly he misses me. A soft breeze flowed through the trees as they creaked in the wind. It was early in the evening; the sounds of human life were still abuzz in the town. Cars honking, the dull drone of the music from the club. The leaves rustled in the wind, getting caught up in the draft. They crunched as the pads of my feet stepped on them, I could hear more leaves crunching as the other wolves drew close. Any minute now they would start with their antics, rubbing their scent all over me to piss Sid off. I don't know what they thought it would accomplish aside from cause problems in my relationship.

I sat in the middle of the forest watching the other wolves having their fun, running and chasing each other, getting into all sorts of mischief. It didn't last long, one by one the male wolves started to hang around, watching me. Dylan was nestled in between my front legs as the males started circling. I couldn't understand their yelps and calls, the funny noises that they made. There was probably a dozen of them, some sat for a few seconds watching me and would move again. Others continued to circle never stopping. Dylan wouldn't move from in between my legs, watching each of them. If they got too close his lips would curl and a very deep growl would hiss out. Maybe Dylan wanted to practice his growling skills, I wouldn't know, I couldn't understand the meaning of it. He continued to growl at them, whether he knew they were just causing trouble and wanting to mark me to annoy Sid or not I don't know.

Phil came over and growled at all of them, sending them on their way. I should have realised something was different about it, Dylan's fur was on end, he really was riled up. Once the pack dispersed, I saw there was one wolf that remained and I knew who it was. He just watched me, sitting there without moving. Phil was making all these noises; Lucinda came over as Phil nudged me at the bottom of my neck. He continued to nudge me until I finally moved, he pushed me all the way back to the little change room. Lucinda and Dylan followed me in, Phil waited at the door. I changed back and dressed, when I turned around Lucinda was there with a dressing gown wrapped around her.

"Why?" I asked as I passed Dylan's pants to him.

"Darlin' you are on heat. There's no runnin' with the boys tonight, not unless you want to get knocked up by them."


"And daddy's little boy was protecting his interest, ensuring you didn't fall to another man."

I scooped him up into my arms, looking at my little protector.

"Did you do that little man?"

"Daddy makes you happy."

"Oh he sure does baby." I grinned. "And I think you will make him even more happy once I tell him what a brave boy you were."

He grinned at me then went very shy, snuggling into the crook of my neck.

We found Sid reading a book to Kayla who was fast asleep in his arms. If he knew she was asleep or not, I don't know but once he put the book down he realised.

"You're back early."

"Yeah, Phil ordered me back.

"Why?" he frowned as he put Kayla into her cot.

"Wolves were circling."

"Were they going to hurt you?" he started to walk over looking very concerned.

"Mummy knocked up." Dylan interrupted.

Sid's eyes widened as he looked at me.

"Are you pregnant?"

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