Chapter 12

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I didn't sleep a wink nor did anyone else. We had searched Cassy's office based on the photo that I had found. The connection had been found, we had figured the reason, though there were definitely some gaps that needed to be filled and after searching we had evidence. I couldn't figure why someone would be so stupid as to leaving evidence in their office, hard evidence that connected her to a crime but she did. And ordering an abduction and murder of an alpha or a master is a crime. Both werewolves and vampires agree on this one completely. Right on nine am she walked into the building through the back door. Phil had a man on the door as usual but today there was a man on the main door as well. Everyone that was here knew what was going on thanks to one very quick meeting at five am this morning. Once she had walked through the door and passed out of sight of the man on the back door, he would put a sign on it saying that staff were to wait outside until it was opened for them. We didn't want anyone distracting us or getting in the way. The front door was locked, the man on the door was to ensure she didn't try and escape through it. There were no other exits unless she used the balcony in our apartment but for that she would need the code to get in and she didn't know that. Phil had checked both doors that had the key pads ensuring they were armed and locked. Lucinda was with Curtis and the children, keeping them occupied. Phil was in his office, waiting quietly with more security staff as she approached. Stuart was sitting in her chair, I was in one on the other side of her desk and Sid was behind the door, leaning on the wall. Casually he glanced at his watch, I knew he was bored of waiting for her even though we had been here for no more than five minutes.

Cassy opened the door and walked in, shocked to see Stuart and I sitting there. She was a pretty woman, her hair was neatly plaited down her back, hanging to mid length. Every time I saw Cassy she was wearing tailored pants and a matching jacket. It was like she owned dozens of them. But her appearance was generally what I would term a little dowdy. The outfits were ill fitting; her shoes were flat. Given her intentions for this place and her future, she hadn't done her research. If she had, she would have worn tight clothes to show off her voluptuous figure and high heels.

"Morning, is everything ok?"

"Not really." Sid pushed the door half shut.

She jumped slightly but held her composure, trying to maintain that everything was fine. She feigned a smile at him even though it was obvious that things were not good.

"Care to explain this?"

Stuart held the photo of her and the girl that Sid had kissed. We had figured they were trying to blackmail Sid for money. Cassy stared at the photo for about five seconds, wide eyed and a little shocked. She turned to take off, only to find Phil had been standing behind her blocking the doorway. He pushed her into the room and then closed the door, leaning on it. There was no escape now. Phil was like a mountain, there was no chance of moving him.

"I do believe that Stuart asked you a question." he said quietly.

She turned around, fear was ripping through her. Her eyes darted from me to Stuart, I could see them dart to the side where Sid was but she never moved her head. She toyed with the hem of her jacket as she bit her lip, probably deciding what she should say.

"That's my sister."

"We already figured that." he said dryly as he flicked the photo away.

"Now maybe you'd like to explain this."

Stuart held out the flash drive that was attached to the back of the computer, somehow she had managed to hack into the video surveillance of the common areas in this building. She had recorded that morning in question onto the flash drive, obviously the intention was to blackmail Sid with what would have been him cheating on me. Only problem was it didn't work out as they had planned and now unbeknownst to all of us, Cassy had been trying to tempt Sid into another entanglement this time with her. I had gone through hours of surveillance footage with Curtis, watching her attempts and his blissful ignorance. Clearly she wasn't as smooth as her sister was. As I sat and watched hours of my husband moving around the club, passing naked women in the VIP room, women trying to get his attention and something hit me. He was always mine, he didn't look at these women, he wasn't tempted by them. The morning in question was probably one moment in time where he may have had a bad morning and thought he could escape to something he thought was better.

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