Chapter 4

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Phil had set out a new routine for our life. He was taking no one's side even though he was really on my side. It was a basic plan of things that had to happen, like my training, looking after the children, the clubs needs and other things that demanded our attention. I had a lot of training to do which meant that Sid had to look after the children if I was to train during the day. So that we could spend some time together, Phil set up training to happen when Sid was at the club. Lucinda was more than happy to come and sit with the children while I was occupied. It wasn't necessary but Phil was insistent that I not have my mind elsewhere, like worrying about the children. What I didn't realise at the time was Phil was being one very bad boy, instilling just a drop of jealousy into Sid's mind. Who was it that came and trained me in meditation? Why of course it was the one and only Cody, the wolf in my pack that was the trainer to all that need it. And that one little drop of jealousy? It was telling Sid that Cody kissed me and whilst it was all very one sided and I had no intention of pursing Cody it was enough. Phil grinned as he knew the thoughts running through Sid's mind, he no longer wanted to be downstairs in his club, he wanted to be close by to ensure that Cody didn't try and kiss me again. So that was the reason that Sid had not been down in his club for more than five minutes at a time. Suddenly it was fine for his duty manager to look after the club, suddenly he didn't need to be down there all the time. Jealousy is such a bitch.

Cody watched from the lounge room floor, he could hear movement in the kitchen as he watched the archway into the room.

"My apologies my lady but..." his head turned back to me as his brilliant blue eyes looked at me with a little worry "I asked Phil of what happened, when I felt the attack I worried for you, we all did."

"I know, I was safe. Anyone else however." I shrugged.

"Phil said you have agreed to run at full moon, this will help settle her. I know you said it still hurts, I do understand, we all do. But for the sake of those you love, please do not deny the moon."

I nodded as a flash caught the edge of my eye. Somebody was lurking, watching and pretending he wasn't trying to figure out how to use the appliances. He wanted excitement in his life, well figuring out the oven is very exciting. I laughed, Cory grinned at me with a frown, unsure of what I found funny.

"He's not a big food eater." I whispered. "Not sure on kitchens."

"Oh." he grinned harder.

There was a great clatter of saucepans, a lot of cursing and thumping of cupboard doors.

"You need peace and quiet to meditate my lady, either the buffoon leaves the destroying of the kitchen for another time or we find somewhere more... quieter." he grinned as he leaned closer "Please choose somewhere more quiet, I would love to get to know you better in private."

I rolled my eyes at him and got off the floor, stalking my noisy husband.

"Are you trying to me jealous?" he whispered as he grabbed my arm, pushing me against the pantry door.

"No there is no intention here Sid."

His lips traced over mine gently tugging on the bottom lip.

"You are mine."

I pulled him to me by the back of his neck, kissing him hard as he pinned me to the door. Deep and needful was our kiss. I broke away from him, looking up into those big brown eyes, the flecks of honey swirling.

"Be quiet or we will have to move elsewhere and I know you don't want that."

I smugly sauntered away, leaving him feeling bereft and lost.

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