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Bethany Witmore

"I don't know what I'm going to do just yet, Laney." I said, throwing my body back into the plethora of pillows on my bed. It felt strange not having Gabriel under me. I sighed, fighting back the tears. 

"It's okay, Bethany. You have to look on the bright side of things." She said, patting my knee. I closed, my eyes feeling a warm tear stream down my face.

"I-I don't know if there is a bright side of th-" I was cut off by someone knocking on the door. Delaney and I both jumped up, staring into each others eyes. I gulped, walking into my closet and grabbing my metal baseball bat. Delaney grabbed the wooden one. I had had just about enough of random knocks on doors.

We both edged down the stairs, not saying a word. We only listened to the steady sound of someone knocking on the door. 

Delaney hid on the side of the door and I opened it quickly, just as they were knocking. On the porch stood, a woman with a pink pixie cut, sunglasses, a jean jacket, high waisted jeans, and matching pink heels. 

"Don't be alarmed, Ms. Witmore." She said, walking right past me into my house. Her accent was clearly one from the Islands.

"What the-" 

"I said don't be alarmed, Ms. Witmore. You have bigger things to be worrying about." 

"Other than the fact that some stranger just walzted into my house?!" I snapped, watching as the lady laughed. She pulled off her glasses, revealing a pair of immediately familiar striking green eyes. Her skin was honey brown and I was spellbound. She just screamed fierce. 

"Yes. Other than the fact that a beautiful stranger just waltzed into your house." She said, and then turned to walk into the living room.

Delaney and I exchanged glances.

Without either of us touching it, the front door slammed shut.

"Come to the living room, ladies." The woman's voice called and before I could think I was walking to sit down on the couch. My body moved against my will, making me take a seat on the couch across from the lady. Delaney was seated right next to me.

"Now that we're all here and seated I can explain who I am."

"We don't care who you are. Just get the f-" Delaney started but the woman cut her off.

"Silence." One word and Delaney was completely silent.

It was the oddest thing because if you know Delaney, then you know that she NEVER does what you tell her to.

"As I was saying before the untimely disturbance, my name is Cali and I was a good friend of your parents. I watched you grow up, Bethany. Do you remember me?"

I examined the woman. From her honey brown skin to her uniquely shaped full lips and her striking green eyes.

How could I not remember her?

Deep in my mind there were images of her, but she had longer dark hair.

"You may remember me with my long locks." She said, smoothing over her hair.

"How?" I asked, asking more than one question with one word. But. I figured she would answer at least one of them.

"Your mother and I were so close up until your tenth birthday. Thats when she sent me away and asked me never to return."

"Why did she do that?"

"Because...we had to keep you safe."

Delaney and I share confused glances, thinking back on the glowing eyes of the weirdos chasing us.

"From what?"

"I think you already know. I mean...that's what I heard through the grapevine."

"About- about the- the guys who were chasing-"

"Oh honey...those definitely weren't guys. Yes, they're hot and sexy...but they are not exactly guys."

"What are they then?"

"Honey, those were Werewolves." She said with a smirk and my eyes widened.


"Thats what I said, right?"

"How is that possible?"

"Well, it all started with that sister of yours." She explained. "Werewolves, as I said before, are hot as Hell. Now, your sister snuck out to a party and ended up running into a pack of them. Unfortunately for of them was her mate."


"Yes, the one person who completes you wholly...your other half. Every supernatural being has one."


"Okay, let me finish my story." She put her hand up to tell me to stop. "Anyways, they fell in love and he ended up being a son of the most prominent family of wolves in the world. Yeah, your sister really knew how to pick them. So, he...being a werewolf...takes your sister to his home. That left your parents heartbroken because they didnt know what happened to her. You spent most of your life believing she was attending school out of the country when in actuality she was gone. Then, out of nowhere...she shows up at our doorstep with nothing but a baby in her hands. That baby was of course, beautiful Gabe..who's with his father as we speak."

She finished and my eyes were wide open.

"His father!?!" I thought back to Luke telling me that Gave would be okay. I felt a tinge of jealousy in my heart, wondering if he was Gabe's father.

"Yes, a Wolf by the name of Gabriel Desantos. A really handsome and sweet wolf."

I let out a breath but...

"Wait. Did you say Desantos?"






Janay' Danielle

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