Chapter Three

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"He walked into my heart like he belonged there. Took down my walls and lit my soul on fire" T.M

"Avril where are you?"

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"Avril where are you?"

I mind linked trying to get her to open up the barrier she created in her head. I wondered the halls trying to use my senses to locate her.

"I'm outside in the forest. I want to go home, I don't want to be here anymore Nev," she said through the mind link.

I sighed rubbing my temples before making my way outside.

My heart broke a little as soon as I saw her. She sat with her knees against her chest leaning against a tree while she sobbed.

"Aww babe dont cry," I cooed as I took a seat next to her on the ground. I wrapped an arm around her shoulders hugging her to me as she cried.

"He's my mate," she snuffled as she wiped her eyes.

"I know. I knew from the moment you screamed at the mere sight of him," I said with a chuckle trying to lighten up her mood.

She looked at me with a deep frown as tears stained her cheeks.

"I can't be with him Nevaeh. I won't."

I sighed and stood up offering my hand for her to stand with me. She took my hand and stood up dusting her jeans as she sniffled.

"I can't force you to be with him Avril but think about how your decision will effect him. We all need a mate to survive. We need a mate to feel like we belong..."

I trailed off as my mind wondered off to Alpha Axel. He has a chosen. A decision he made knowing he had a mate out there somewhere. A decision I will have to respect.

"I dont need one. I have been surviving for twenty three years without a mate, a little longer won't hurt."

"It will for him and eventually it will for you too. He's seen you already and your wolves have recognised each other as the significant other. You can't deny whats already there Avril. Give him a chance."

She looked off into space in thought while I stayed quiet awaiting her answer. She growled in frustration and started pacing.

"I can't. I refuse to let fate decide who I should be with. I will choose a chosen. Just like the Alpha king. That way if either of us dies, the other won't follow behind. Love doesn't only happen once. You can love another if given the choice. "

"Your crazy. Even if you find a lover your mate will still be there. You have seen each other already. He will feel everything you do, everything you touch. Every emotion that courses through you, he will feel it. He is your other half whether you like it or not," I said urging her to see reason.

"There isn't any difference between lovers and mates anyway, except..."

"One is a choice and one is not. You need to understand that his wolf will yearn for none other than you. You will be his anchor. Just like he will be yours. When it comes to mates there will be no regrets."

I placed my hands on her shoulders forcing her to look at me.

"People think soulmates are your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person that shows you everything that is holding you back. The person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life."

I smiled as her eyes watered while she listened.

"A true soulmate is probably the most important person you will ever meet. Because they tear down your walls and slap you awake if they have to," I said letting out a little laugh as she snorted.

"At least think about it before you make the decision of not wanting him."

"I will," she said with a nod before looking at me.

"You sound so passionate about mates Nev. I really hope you find your destined." She said pulling me in for a hug.

I felt my throat clog up as my eyes started to water as I hugged her tighter. She felt the shift in my emotions and pulled away.

"Nev, you okay," she asked with a frown.

I let out a shaky breath and tried to smile through my tears but I was miserably failing.

"I found my mate too."

She gasped as she looked at me shocked.

"What?! Are you serious, what's he like. Actually I don't even know why I bothered asking since your crying which means he's a dick isn't he," she said as her eyes narrowed.

I laughed as I wiped my eyes, seeing her getting all worked up about my 'mate'.

"You don't have to tell me who he is..."

"It's the Alpha King," I interrupted sitting back down on the grass and leaning back against the tree.

She gaped at me making her look like a fish gasping for water.

"Wow," she said as she dropped next to me.

"I'm so sorry Nevaeh. What do you want me to do, because I know your probably not all sunshine and rainbows at the moment, you must be heartbroken."

"It's ok I'm dealing fine. We just need to get through this one week then we can leave. I don't want to cause drama with the Alpha king and Queen Delilah so I'm not going to tell my dad. I'm respecting his decision....but I know it's going to be one of the hardest things I've come to encounter," I said with a heavy sigh and a heavy heart.

"I'm here for you. Anything you need you just make the call and I will make it yours. I feel for you boo," she said as she threw an arm over my shoulders pulling me into a side hug.

I leaned my head on her shoulder as we stayed in that position lost in thought.

"Lady Nevaeh and Lady Avril?"

We both looked towards the sound and saw a worried looking lady who scurried towards us. Wow, they must really go by the old books if their calling us 'Lady'.

"You must come inside. King Axel and Warrior Alejandro are looking for you both."

I nodded my head standing while while Avril did the same. She grabbed my hand giving it a small squeeze before letting go.

"We got this Nev," she said with a reassuring smile.

I smiled in return before looking at the house before us.

"Ok, lets go see what they want."


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