
599 17 12

Hi class, welcome back!!
In today's class, we will be counting in Dutch!! I first thought O was just gonna count to ten, buuuut, I think I'm actually going to go to 100, so, be prepared!

1 - éen (heey, without the H and the Y, and put an N behind it)

2- twee (heey, without H, N, with T and W in front of it.) (remember how to pronounce the Dutch W...?)

3- drie (sounds a little like 'degree', but without the 'EG' between de D and R) (and remember to use the Dutch R!)

4- vier (pronounced as: f-(the letter), e - r) (Use the Dutch R!)

5- vijf (wife, and swap the W with an F)

6- Zes (less, but the L is a Z)

7- zeven (z-ey-f-en)

8- acht (ah-(the Dutch) G-t)

9- negen (n-ey-(Dutch) g-en)

10- tien (teen)

11- elf (I think you know this one)

12- twaalf (tw-aah-lf)

13- dertien (d-e (with the Dutch) r- teen)

14- veertien (f- (like the 'eer' from the word 'queer) eer- teen)

15- vijftien ((the Dutch) vijf-teen)

16- zestien ((the Dutch) zes- teen)

17- zeventien ((the Dutch) zeven-teen)

18- achttien ((the Dutch) acht-teen)

19- negentien ((the Dutch) negen-teen)

20- twintig (twin-tig) (remember the Dutch W and G!)

21- Éenentwintig (it actually says 'one and twenty) (the Dutch 'éen'- (and without the D) - (the Dutch) twintig)

22- tweeëntwintig (two and twenty) (The Dutch) twee - en - twintig)

And so on!!

30- dertig (there, without th-, and with a D and the front) ha, ha, class, yes, very funny. The teacher said something dirty (-tig, remember the Dutch G!)

31- éenendertig (one and thirty) (the Dutch) éen-en-dertig)

32- tweeëndertig (two and thirty) (twee-en-dertig)

33- drieëndertig (three and thirty) (drie-en-dertig)

34- vierendertig (four and thirty) (vier en dertig)

You know the rest, right?

40- veertig (here, without the h, and with a V - tig) (Dutch G!)

41- éenenveertig (one and forty) (èen-en-veertig)

And you know the rest

50- vijftig (hive, swap the h- for a v- - tig) (Dutch G!!)

51- éenenvijftig (one and fifty) (éen-en-vijtig) (Dutch G!!)


60- zestig (Dutch 'zes' + tig) (Dutch G!)

61- éenenzestig (one and sixty) (éen-en-zestig)


70- zeventig (the Dutch 'zeven' + tig) (remember the Dutch G!)

71- éenenzeventig (one and seventy)


80- tachtig (t-(dutch) acht-ig) (Dutch G!)

81- éenentachtig (one and eighty) (éen-en-tachtig)


90- negentig (Dutch 'negen' - tig) (Dutch G!)

91- éenennegentig (one and ninety) (éen-en-negentig) (Dutch G!)


100- honderd (hon-d-ert)

101- hondertéen (one hundred-one) (honderd-éen)

Welp, there you go!! I wonder if you can tell me what 95 is in Dutch! Anyone?

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