The face!

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Goodmorning, class!!

Today, we will be talking about the face! Maybe some of you remember Mark (I think it was a 'reading your comments' video) looking up the Dutch words for 'dick face'. 

The Dutch translation said 'Penisgezicht', which is accurate (Even though there are other words for the male genitals. Penis is (In Dutch) pronounced as Pay-ness. 

And gezicht (face) (remember the Dutch G, if you don't, look up a video on YouTube as your homework) Ge-zicht (The 'ch' is pronounced the same as the Dutch G in this word)

And your face is on your head, which is 'hoofd' in Dutch, pronounced as (Other word for Whore) hoe-fd.

Then we go to the senses;

Ogen (eyes) (Like the word ogre, but remember to use the Dutch G) O-gen

Oog (eye) (I think that one's pretty simple) 

neus (nose) I admit, I don't really know how to describe the 'eu' and how to explain to pronounce it

mond (mouth) You know, Vermont, without Ver. The O is pronounced a bit different, but I don't know how to describe that. I think it's like m-(a very short) oh-nd

kin (Chin) This one is very easy too

tanden (teeth) I think you will get this one right too, without any explanation 

tand (tooth) 

tong (tongue) pronounced the same, except for the o, in Dutch it sounds a bit different

wangen (cheeks) Remember how to pronounce the Dutch W? If not, go back a few chapters. W-ah-ngen

wang (cheek) 

wenkbrauwen (eyebrows) Remember the Dutch W-enk (miauw, minus the mi- and add br in front of it) br-auwen

wenkbrauw (eyebrow) 

oren (ears) Ogre without the G and an N at the end.

oor (ear) oh-r

I believe somewhere in the book I already explained this one;

haar (hair) h-aah-r

This one is a bit more difficult: 

Jukbeenderen (cheekbones) yuck- b-ay-nderen (remember to use the Dutch R, which might be difficult. If you don't know how to pronounce it, look it up. Or remember how when people to a Russian/Spanish accent, they sometimes use that rolling r.

wimpers (eyelashes) it's exactly like the word whimper, but remember to use the Dutch W

voorhoofd (forehead) voor and fore is pronounced the same, and h-oh-fd

nek (neck) 

keel (throat) K-ay-l

lippen (lips) 

lip (lip) 

neusgaten (nostrils) literally translated, it's 'nose holes'. (You might find that mistake somewhere in one of my first books) neus- (Dutch G!) G-aah-tun

iris (iris of your eye) ee-ris (Dutch R!) 

pupil (pupil of your eye) pup(like the word puppy) -ill 

kaak (jaw) K-aah-k

If I forgot anything and you'd like to know, please ask! I'll gladly help you out and explain! Well, I'll see you all in the next class!

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