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Welcome to today's class!!!

Today I will explain how Dutch grades at school works!!
In America you have like...I don't even know for sure...A's and B's and 75%, right?
Tell me if I'm wrong

But in the Netherland, we count with so many out of ten!!

Like 8/10 would be very good!

10/10 couldn't get better, cause you got no answers wrong!

1/10.....yeah, you fucked up

And a 5 as a grade wouldn't be good.
5.5 would be a good grade, (of course no the best)
And 5.4 wouldn't be enough or good either!

And we wouldn't say five point five,
But five comma five (it's pronounced the same in Dutch, and how the Dutch numbers are pronounced, you should know already!)

That's it for today!

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