Brads first show in london

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Dani we need to get home our shows in 2 hours brad panicked as we got in my car ready to leave the studio thanks brad by the way for saying we had a strawberry war i smiled as i looked in the mirror since brad was in the back mmm brad moaned whats wring with you i smiled as i pulled out im older than you i should be driving brad complained shut up brad dont be selfish nat moaned at brad i bought the car so its actually mine brad moaned brad do you wanna walk to the appartments if your moaning about me driving i asked as i pulled up to a side road no brad said putting his head down well then shut up i laughed dani do you know who you sound like nat laughed no i answered you sound like a mum tell off a selfish child you sound like mine and brads mum nat laughed who was the selfish child that always got told off i laughed brad nat said making me snigger right thats it pull over im getting out brad said angrily whats wrong i said as i pulled over your bullying me brad said as he opened the car door look the apartments are only there i pointed like 10 minutes away youll get mobbed by fans nat smirked its better then being in the car with you brad spat as he slammed the car door quick film him i laughed as nat pulled out her phone she recorded and angry brad storming off or should i say trudging off clenching his fists and funny enough he got mobbed by fans i saw him getting dropped to the floor and his clothes ripped this is gold nat laughed as we reached the apartment and i got out and locked the car carry on filming i laughed at nat WE LOVE YOU LONDON! i shouted as the crowd cheered DO YOU BEG FOR THE VAMPS! nat shouted WELL LETS GET THEM DOWN HERE CHANT WITH ME THE VAMPS THE VAMPS! i shouted as the fans chanted the vamps

Dialling tris

Me:Tris get down here your fans want you guys

Tris:Ok were coming down just telling joe we heard and saw you out the window

Me:Thank you


Me:Bye tris

THERE COMING DOWN! I screamed i heard screams blowing mine and nats ear drums as brad walked up behind us i looked down to see him coverd in bruises and his top was shredded to pieces what happened i laughed they were super fans brad spat as he took off his top which made fans scream OH YOU LIKE THAT! brad laughed as he whipped his top round LOOK ITS TRISTAN! a fan shouted you alright guys i smiled as i turned around to see the guys where are the girls i asked gone out to town with ebony james smiled as he took a selfie with a fan well that was nice to ask me and nat to come i know james smirked im moving in with tris brad spat have fun with everyone screaming over spiders nat laughed huh i answered in birmingham brad always used to make me get the spiders whilst he stood on his bed making sure the spider wouldnt eat him nat laughed no way the same for me i mean im scared of spiders but im a girl i laughed SO WHAT CONNORS SCARED OF MOTHS! brad shouted as he stormed upstairs ill check on him nat smiled as i met a fan


Hey bro you alright i smiled as i sat on the steps next to brad no you embarressed me especially with my girlfriend i mean you two are terrible together brad laughed come here i smiled as i gave him a hug you smell like dani brad said as he sniffed me urr yeah dont tell dani but i used some of her perfume i laughed which one brad asked coco chanel i answered oooo you in trouble brad said like a girl shh you put it on whilst you was dressing up like a women and you hugged me i laughed why would i ever do that brad laughed because you used to wears mum makeup and bra i laughed shut up i bet all boys do that brad laughed as he gently punched me really brad i heard danis voice but i couldnt hear her i pulled out my phone to see i but dialled dani and nat stop using my things you used my hair straightners yesterday i found a red hair your as bad as brad using my hairbrush sorry dani bye bye guys FOR FUCK SAKE! brad shouted as he ran upstairs whats wrong i asked brad you embarressed me in front of my girlfriend again brad sobbed

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