Dealing with dissappointment

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Update: I did find my ipod.

Dissappointment is the worst in my opinion. You build yourself up and expect something great, and then it ends up to be terrible. I'mma give you an example.

So last night I went to a concert at a local music school. I only get to go there during concert season, and last night was the first concert. I love going there and the concerts are usually really good. But not last night. ._.

The show was Punk rock. I don't really like punk that much but I figured I would go to see the people and enjoy the atmosphere. It was only 5 bucks anyway.

I figured that a lot of people were gonna be there, because a lot of people always come.

But no. There weren't many people  there.

There was this one guy that is just always there, the parents of the kids in the show, and my friends and me. 

The first set was screaming. Lots of screaming. My friends walked off at that point. I stuck around until the next set.

The next set was all a "sex pistols" tribute. It wasn't fun. That was when almost everybody who didn't have to be there left.

Soon it was just me and my best friend in the audience along with people from the show and that guy that was there earlier.

They've done encores in the past, but I was praying for them not to do one tonight because the show was a trainwreck. They did two additional songs. It was upsetting.

So I've been dissappointed ever since I got home last night. I was hoping for a good show and I wanted to at least talk to one of my friends in the show, but no. I didn't.

I was so freaking excited for it it was gonna be the high point of my weekend but of course it wasn't as good as I hoped this is why you shouldn't have expectations for anything or from anyone because everything will turn out crappy in the end that's life it's not fair but it's life and yes I am aware that this is a run on sentence but I will do what I want this is my book and if I get one comment from that one person and you know who you are saying that this isn't effective in my writing I will think of a better threat later but don't you dare do it if you liked this vote and comment wow I sound like a youtuber.


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