Things that waste my time (STORY TIME)

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So, last night was my High School Freshman orientation. (Yes, I am a freshman. Don't go stuffing me in lockers or anything like that.) It really did almost nothing.

So I was handed a number, which was 10, but I traded with my friend for another number. So that was for going on a tour.

So I asked for directions to the school store, where I bought my gym uniform. (Whatever.)

Then came the presentation. My principal talked for about 15 minutes, then handed the mic off to the 9th grade principal, who told us he respected us and to come to him if there are any problems. (Okay. IF I KNEW WHERE YOUR OFFICE WAS.

There was a video, which was a brief history of our High School, starting in the 1950's and ending in 2012 (when the high school was finished being re-built.) It didn't really do anything, but there was some good music in the background.

Here's what wasted my time: the tour.

I was stuck in a group of people I didn't like and two new Juniors from different schools who didn't shut up. Our tour girl was super quiet and I stood right next to her, and I couldn't hear anything. We went through the PAC, where I didn't see my guitar classroom. Or my speech and debate room. (Well, I did see it, but it wasn't marked. I have that class in the Black Box, which is quite impossible to miss.) 

It didn't really help that the architects built every hallway the same way. "Both sides here are the math wings, and back that way is the science wing. English and History are downstairs." So I didn't see any of those. I saw German, though, becuase WHOOPTY FREAKING DOO I GET TO LOOK AT GERMAN WHAT FUN.

I didn't even get a glance at my Homeroom, which is actually right next to an alclove. (those are the little corners of the building, where spirit week results are said.) 

So then we stopped. I talked to my friend for like 5 minutes. Then I left.

Another thing was I saw all these people saying hi, and hugging, and everything and I sat there in scilence. Because I don't have all that many friends.

So yay.

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