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Jimin's POV

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Jimin's POV

"No, no, NO!" Jimin shouted, tugging at his hair in frustration as the controller board blinked out and went black. The only thing functioning was the keypad and the Box, but they couldn't send Jungkook a message without a receiver,  which was now fried.

Where did you go Jimin? He'd managed to see Jungkook's last message before everything died and lashed out, punching the controls. His hand flared up in pain as he winced. Breathing heavily, he worked quickly, removing the Box and keypad from the rest.

If he could find somewhere to plug the Box into, somewhere that had ether net access-
"My room" he muttered to himself; the panel that showed him various fake pictures of Earth and the planets. It had ethernet access as he uses it to communicate with his parents when they were in other parts of the centre.

He bundled the keypad and box under his shirt and used his belt to secure them to his body. Grabbing the jacket,  he put it on and left the small control room, closing the door behind him. Jimin twisted the rusted lock till it clicked into place and then kicked at the handle. It successfully fell off, leaving the room forever locked.

Once out into the main corridor of the centre, it was harder to get to his room with the bulging equipment under his shirt. Jimin pondered on whether to take the escalator and risk running into his father. He'd definitely dispose of the equipment Jimin had.

Or he could go via the library. There was a chance he'd run into his mother but Yoojung had always been more lenient towards her son than her husband had.

Setting off on a brisk walk, he ignored the weird looks he got from the other scientists and staff milling around and entered the library.

The musty smell of books was similar to the smell that lingered in the buttons of the old control room. Soft piano music drifted towards him as he  crosses the length of the library to get to his personal wing.
"Jimin?" a woman called. The music stops. Before he could reach the door his  mother stepped out in front of him, a small frown on her face.

"Hey mom....how are you?" Jimin stuttered, painfully aware of the irregular shape of his torso, no thanks to the contents he's hiding. She chuckled and gently squeezed his cheeks.

"Let me guess, you've stolen some extra potato chips for yourself,huh? And you won't share with you dear mama?" She pouted childishly before laughing.

"Yeah, but I can go back later and we can-" he starts before her smart watch lights up. She frowns and looks at him sympathetically.
"I have to go, seems like your father can't live without needing me for something" she joked, waiting for him to smile.

"It's fine.....I didn't expect you to hang out with me anyways. Science comes first,right?" He said bitterly. His mother shook her head and cupped his cheek.
"Remember, you'll always be my little star" she said kissing his cheek before leaving.

Jimin was alone when he closed locked the door to his room. He was alone when he linked the Box to his communication panel. He was alone when he wired it all up to the centre's Oxygen Filtration power system as it ran 24/7, disguising it as an update on the greenhouses' ventilation so he wouldn't be detected by the electricians.

He was alone with his friend-or-something-more, Jungkook. But he was going to change that.

Finally it was working. Sitting cross legged on the comfy chair at his desk the panel in front of him, he typed in Jungkook's number and waited.

"Jimin..........is that you?"

a/n woah a lot happened in this chapter. But it's only the beginning...

The Box = our equivalent to a WiFi box in a way but more complex

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