chapter 21❤

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Vanessa's p.o.v

It's already so late i'm so worried,jason isn't back yet ...I've called his line severally but his not lifting it.

I'm so worried,i pace up and down the living room checking the time , but his not back yet, where did he go ?

I paced up and down again and again and again then I heard a car pulled into the mansion , my heart froze...that is Jason's Mercedes his back .

I just stood in my spot nervously biting my lower lip, my hand started sweating and I feel heat just pushed into the room .

Just then I heard the door open,and there he stood, the moment our eyes met he stood with his hand still on the knob of the door .

My heart beat began to race , no matter what I will have to solve this misunderstanding with him , I can't leave this issue anymore....

Jason's p.o.v

Once I opened the door and saw her standing there and our eyes met ....I just couldn't move , she looks worried , I gently closed the door and try to walk pass her but she stepped Infront of me .

"Ummm......ja......ja_son ....w_we need to talk " she said looking up at me .

Gosh , I seriously don't wanna talk about that Patra girl, how can she think the slut is my girlfriend.

"Look Vanessa...if it's about pa.......

"Why did you had a bet on me six years ago ? She threw the bomb.

I was taking aback ...what the fuck did she know?I stare at her quietly.

"Nesa...." I whispered.

"Jay please just tell me the truth" she said.

Damn! I've even forgotten about the bet issue .

"Who told you ? I asked .
"Just tell me Jason ...why did you had a bet on me ? She half yelled .

Well i guess now she knows I have to tell her my reason for betting on her .

"I did it because i wanted you " I replied.

She looked at me confused.
"I don't get you "she said .

I signed and rubbed my temple.
"Tell me who told you Vanessa" I said.

It can't be my friends, I trust them they can't tell her that .

"Fine you want to know the Reason why I left ? She asked .

"Of course" I replied.

"On the graduation party ....serina met me at the washroom with evidence showing me a picture with you both kissing and a fuckin video of you and your friends talking about how you won me to a bet " she said angrily.

What the heck, did i just hear her say picture of I and serina kissing,? When did that happen....why will I even kiss that girl ....

"You saw a picture of I and mean serina Clark's? I asked .

"Which other serina do you know? She asked sarcastically.

"Oh my confused right now ....I never cheated with her on you how come about the picture? I asked confused.

Yes, I don't know what she's talking about , I don't even like the serina girl .

"In the picture you both were kissing....and were smiling...don't tell me you didn't cheat cause I saw it well,you were the one in the picture" she said angrily.

How could it be possible...I don't remember......wait a second! ....damn ....I hope is not what am thinking.

"Wait Vanessa ....can you remember where I was with serina at that moment in the picture? I asked .

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