9. Going together

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Chloe's POV

It's been almost a week to a moment that I'd never be able to forget in my entire life. I still can't believe I had a steamy imagination about him. I couldn't wait so I told Claire everything that happened. And obviously she started teasing me by his name.

I didn't like it but what can I do?!

Yeah sure.

I seriously didn't like it!

Keep telling that to yourself.

The heck?

Anyways, this is the reason why I didn't want to tell her. But something starts going on in my stomach and I can't keep quiet in front of her. I just have to share everything that's going on, in my mind, with her. Since the very beginning of our friendship, we've been sharing everything and as time passed we got even more comfortable around each other, telling the best of stories to the worst of embarrassments.

It's like a necessity to share stuff.

Well, today was another working day. I started my routine of waking up, freshening and then going to the office. I've experienced that being a working woman I cannot stay at home. My body is habitual to it now. No matter how much I want to rest at home, after three days of staying home, it would start bugging me.

I went to the office and every step I took closer to him, that ticklish sensation kept increasing. I knew it would be awkward to meet him after our kiss and I've imagined every scenario in my head about a few thousand times, so I'm thoroughly prepared. But even then I felt nervous.

I sofly knocked on the door before entering and to my surprise I saw a group of people crowding the entire place. The vibe was the same as the photoshoot day. Stylists and a number of attires were lined up in various cloth hanger stands. The only different thing I noticed was that, a number of female dresses in those hangers too.

I was looking around when I felt someone behind me. I quickly turned around and met Mr. Valentino's eyes staring into mine. His tall figure made me look up to his face. His lips curved in a little smile mada me feel uneasy but comfortable at the same time. Is it even possible to feel this way? Because even though I'm always nervous around him, his smile made me calm.

He asked softly, almost like a whisper, as if he didn't want anyone else to hear us, "How are you?"

"I-I'm fine, sir. Also, umm, what is going on?" I asked, looking around.

"Oh, there's a business event coming up soon. So, I'm just selecting what I'll wear. It was all in a hurry, so you weren't informed." He said, putting his hands in his pocket.

"Oh." I nodded.

"Yeah. Because I'm attending the event on behalf of my dad as well, so I need to look good, you know." He said, shrugging his shoulders, I smiled.

Good? Oh, I wish I could explain how much of a model you look!

He walked towards one of the hangers and said looking at the dresses, "Come, choose a dress for yourself. We're going together."

"Ahh okay. Wait..."


I almost lost my head thinking I heard something wrong. My eyes widened and my eyebrows furrowed while my mouth hung open. I imagined so many things in my head and this is not even close to any of it. 'Going together', does he truly understand the meaning of it or does he just think it's normal to ask someone to be your date, without even them knowing anything about it?

Like bruh?

I had a whole list of questions and it was clearly visible on my face. While I looked at him everyone stared at me, making that silence even more deathly and quiet. Saying I was shocked would be an understatement because I was not just dealing with the feeling of being asked to become a date to my boss, but also the fact that none of my presumed imaginations came true.

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