23. Ideal day

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Chloe's POV

It was the weekend and the warmth of a Sunday morning can't be matched with any equal joyous occasion in the world. I loved weekends and Sundays were usually my days, where I took care and pampered myself with my favourite food, skin care, new clothes and even my favourite dessert.

Yes, it was my ideal day.

Because of work, it's hard for me to maintain a rhythm, where I continue to celebrate my special Sunday, but I do manage to do it at least once a month. Getting selfish for self-composure and satisfaction is one of my priorities.

It was about seven, when I gazed slightly towards the clock, before taking out my yoga mat. Laying it down with utmost delicacy on the shiny wooden floor, facing my balcony door, I was ready to release all the pain. My hair was pulled up in a high pony braid and the skin fit gym attire is what made me feel energetic. Taking a final whiff of the complacent surroundings, I sat down with my legs spread forward as I stretched my arm in an attempt to touch my head to my knees.

About five years of daily relaxation, yes, I could proudly say I was able to perform several asanas without much difficulty. Initial stages were adorned with irritation, pain, almost giving up every time I did it and of course the constant self-hatred of me being unable to fill up a goal, I had set for myself.

The negotiation we tend to articulate within ourselves is what makes us stuck in the comfort zone and I know my success isn't in there. For me, exercising and yoga did bring a huge change because, what I wanted from myself was far beyond than the current scenario, I was a part of. Took me time, but I did come out as somebody who did manage to complete a task alone, despite the fact of me being the laziest human I know. I enjoyed doing yoga on regular basis.

Another thirty minutes and I was ready to go outside to get some fresh air. I usually go for a walk after yoga, but today I also carried a book I had been trying to read for the longest time. So, as I reached the park, taking about two fast walking and a jogging round of the park, I decided to sit and read my book for some time.

The day was going smoothly delicate and amazing, I was enjoying every bit of it. As I sat down in the car, I decided to carry some items off the grocery store. The grey road, azure and tangerine morning sky, paired with the best of the sage ambience, the carmine of my lipstick placed on the car's dashboard was distinct. It attracted my core and I was suddenly reminded of the reason I had placed my cosmetic on there. It was because of that man.


The feeling of his lips against mine was still fresh even after a week of no intimate meetings. He had been busy and so was I. Even though we meet almost every day in office, something about his eyes seems different lately. A darker shade of brown, I feel his gaze settling on me whenever I come across him.

Perhaps I had been a little too conscious, but I knew the heaviness that I feel, right in the middle of my chest, whenever he was around. What makes it all the more fascinating, was to find his honey pools staring into mine. It's like earlier, he only managed to steal a few glances, which I caught him every time doing, but now, he just stays. Him and his eyes, they stay.

Wherever I am, he had me in the centre of his vision. I'd be lying if I say I didn't like it, but being watched with such great intensity and devotion was something new to me. He was making sure to keep me protected maybe? But being self-reliant, I had never felt the need to be taken care of with such delicacy. But I do appreciate his initiatives.

He is caring, very caring actually.                                                             

"Touch you softly, I call you up late at night, know that isn't right but you could be my one and only..." I was singing as one of my favourite tracks played on the shuffle; Softly by Clairo. Yes, I sing along, which is pretty embarrassing on my part since I don't know half of the lyrics to the majority of the song, but well, I vibe with it anyways.

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