24. Can I not kiss you?

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Chloe's POV

"Thank you, Ms. Cameron." Jeremy said, as I walked with him towards the exist of the apartment building.

"you're welcome." My cheeks were still red and I knew my skin was heating up.

In that moment something around me kept circling and the feeling of being not in control of my emotions didn't make me feel good. A melody of Jeremy's voice was shining a little too bright; unnecessarily. Perhaps, it was my first time when I looked at him more than just a friend?

"Also, how will you go back?" I forgot I drove Jeremy with me to my apartment.

"It's fine, I'll take a cab, if my mom isn't able to find me soon." He looked at his phone and I smiled.

"We could have another cup of coffee if you want." I suggested.

"I've already troubled you enough..."

"No, you didn't."

"Thank you for this as well." He lifted the little paper bag, which had the plant in it.

"I just hope your mom likes it." I smiled.

"I'm sure she will..." He paused and then continued, "also, can you walk back inside?" He asked.

His concern made me chuckle, "I'm not a baby, Jeremy. Also, I'm not at all hurt, thanks to you."

"You got hurt?" A voice invaded our conversation and turning around, I found him.

"Mr. Valentino?" It was unexpected, his presence was the last thing I could even imagine in that scenario.

"Where did you get hurt?" He immediately held my arm, looking for any visible scratches.

"I'm f-fine." A sudden interaction with two males, made me a little suffocated, but I buried those thoughts in the last corner of my brain. I couldn't possibly let it avert me from Christian.

"That's good. Also, who is this young boy?" Was he mocking Jeremy? Maybe? But he surely didn't look very pleased to find Jeremy in my company and that was certainly very visible.

"This is my friend, Jeremy." I introduced them.

"Hello, sir." Jeremy greeted Christian.

"Hello, Jeremey," He smiled, "aren't you Ms. Claire Grey's assistant?"

"Yes, sir." Jeremy's eyes looked even more dull, than he usually makes them seem.

"How do you know Chloe?" Christian asked him, slightly tilting his head as he shifted closer to me.

"Um, Claire and I hangout a lot and Jeremy is always with her so, we became friends." I smiled, knowing very well the situation isn't as delightful.

"I asked you," He pointed towards me, while his eyes never left Jeremy, "and Chloe answered. Is she your assistant as well?"

My eyes widened at his statement and the situation looked even worse when I felt Jeremy's eyebrows furrowing slightly. The entire setting didn't seem as good. And I knew how Christian's perception of Jeremy might change drastically, because his appearance and expressions are extremely deceptive. His gaze isn't the best when somebody meets him for the first time, but Christian had no way of knowing that.

"I'm joking. Made the environment intense, huh?" His joke did make the conversation tense.

"I'll take my leave, have a great day Ms. Chloe. You too Mr. Valentino." He said and went away.

"See you soon, Jeremy." Christian said, as he made me tuck my hand on his bicep. This was a new side of both of them and it unravelling in an uncomfortable scenario, like this, wasn't the best idea.

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