Up On The Rooftop

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Up on the rooftop I sit
Looking off into the distance
Clearing my mind of sadness
And taking in the fresh air

I come up here every night
After a long day of work
Climb up the ladder and sit
Wondering what I'll dream up next

I like to look up to the stars
My favorite is the north star
That star brings back memories
Memories of love and of loss

I come up with stories for each star
Some of battles and some of adventures
All events I would like to see
And some I'd like to be a part of

Who knows how long I spend up there
Could be minutes, or even hours
All I know is that it's my safe space
And I never want to leave my rooftop

Sometimes I get lonely up there
Sitting there with only stars for company
Sometimes I wish someone would come
And sit right there next to me

But no one ever comes
Who else would like my safe spot
So there I sit
With the sound of crickets surounding me

When I have to go in I run to my window
And look out to the stars
It isn't the same as my rooftop
But it makes me just as happy

The stars are my friends
They light the way to heaven
The stars have seen it all
And show me just how small I really am

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