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I can feel it. I can feel something is wrong and I hate it.

All day I've felt something is off like a big black hole in my stomach that won't leave me alone and it's killing me. Ever since that girl ran off like the devil himself is chasing her it's been there my gut says there something wrong and my gut is never wrong. Never

I need to find her today and I won't give up till I do something about her is different. Cliche I know. She's just, ahhh I can't explain, she's like a mystery I can't uncover. I think she might be the one for me all my friends told me this is what love is like. All of my best friends are apart of my gang there is Colby he's the brainiac if you will, he works all the tech and so on and so forth. The there's Oliver he's always been there for me since we were little our father's were friend so we practically are already brothers. They both have steady relationships with there partners, I say partners because Colby is gay. Colby and Isaac have been together for about 4 years now at first his parents didn't like it but now there cool it's still a little awkward at family dinners though. Oliver and Amara have been together for 6 years and they still act like new love it disgust me with all there lovey dovey crap. Now I think I get it I don't even know the girls name and I.....NO i can't.....I won't. No one will.

Or will she

Sometimes I hate my subconscious, like really hate my subconscious.

Right now I'm at my desk doing some paperwork. Nothing drastic just signing papers about gun shipments with the snake gang. They are just little fish in a big pond and all of them think they are all that with snake tattoos wrapped up their arm. They run guns, drugs, and girls. I hate them severely for that, I despise anyone who treats woman like there trash it's disrespectful if my mother saw me like that I wouldn't be able to walk for months.  she always one to put people in line, I miss her. She not gone just on a trip to Italy for a year with my father. Tomorrow I have to go back to school but I need to know more about that girl now.

"HUNTER!!" I call for one of the techs

"Yes sir" " yes hunter I would like a profile on this girl on my desk in half an hour or its your head" I show him a picture on the securitie cameras and he gulps "yes sir right away" then he's off.


When I wake up its all a blinding pain and i groan. I can see through blurry vision my 'father' passed out drunk on the couch with his arm hanging off with blood on it and it's mine. I start to cry softly because not of the pain but that no father should have his child's blood on there hands on purpose it's not a burden a child should bare. After a couple minutes I drag my broken body up the stair and crawl into my bad excuse for a bedroom onto the dirty mattress knowing j have to go to school in a couple hours and fall into a land filled with demons and nightmare. 

Just another weekend maybe one day my pain will end.

Hi my lovelys I hope you enjoyed my new chapter my next one will be up soon I hope.🐼💋

-Master ninja panda

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