What happened to the lights?

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This chapter is dedicated to my friend Taylor Pennington. Make sure to read her books at maxpenning19 Luv you girly💋

Once I made it to school it started to hell I had to endure. "What's up slut bag how's the whoring around or have you had all the guys yet". She said viciously.

  I was on the verge of tears I had them blurring my vision. So I did what I always do I ran far. I ran through the school past the teachers to the back door of the school pushed it open and ran toward the forest tree line. And I ran and ran till I couldn't breathe after a while I came upon a small pond, and I sat watching my breathe fog as it came out of my mouth. I sat there for about 15 minutes before I realized that I was burning from the cold. And it kinda hurt. It's November why did I think this was a good idea oh yeah I'm STUPID. God why didn't I bring a jacket but instead of getting up I pulled my knees to my chest and put my head on the top on my knees and just sat there.

It was so peaceful, the tree tops were covering most of the sunlight but a small hole in the tree tops made a small amount of sunlight come through and land on the small pond. It made the water shimmer with a golden light, around the pond there was luscious dark green grass with little purple flowers everywhere. This little place was in the middle of a giant forest while being mesmerized by this beautiful place it started to drizzle. I checked my phone and it was only 12:26 so I decided to head back to school.

On my walk there it started to rain harder and when the drops hit my skin it hurt to the point where I think thought it was hail and my guess was right. At some point I started to run back to school once I got to the doors I ran inside the lobby and I was out of breath, and soaked I shivered a little. While trying to catch my breath I got a late note from a concerned looking older lady. As I was walking to class I could hear the storm outside getting louder. It was getting really bad out there it was raining so loud I couldn't hear my own footsteps in the empty hallway. As I made my way to class the lights flickered which made me think "GET THE SALT" I laughed a little to myself. I finally made it to my 6th period class when I opened the door it made a really creepy and loud squeak. I cringed at the sound but what made me shrink away was the stares if you couldn't tell I hated attention. One pair of eyes caught my attention. It was Alaric, I hadn't even realized that he was in any of my classes. It was weird but before I could think more of it there was a loud crash of Thunder and the lights flickered and went off completely off  making someone in the distance let out a startling scream that made me shiver and not from the cold. Right after the scream lightning lit up the sky making me look out the window. I could see the dark almost black clouds and the dark scene outside even though it was almost one o'clock. Then nothing no sound no light not even someone breathing it was like after one of my fathers beating a black abyss of nothing. Just....darkness my worst nightmare. God please send me a guardian angel to survive this.


DUN DUN DUN cliffhanger sorry but sacrifices must be made. I still love you guys. Hopefully I don't get die🐼💋 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

Glimpse of future

Taylor:(throws book) why would you do this.

Master ninja panda:(hides behind desk) I'm sorry I'll write more

Taylor: you better or I'll rip out you small intestine through you mouth, then you large intestine out your butt and use you as a jump rope.....

Master ninja panda: OK OK I'm typing calm your tot tots geez (mutters under breathe) crazy lady.

Taylor: WHAT

Master ninja panda: Nothing just typing

-Master ninja panda

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