Chapter 1: devils can be good

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Adeline's pov:
"Will you shut up for once in your life" I say loudly enough to the annoying thing living next to my room AKA derek my older brother, when he starts playing the Xbox or what I like to call it, 'thingmabob that keeps me up at night'.

"Gee, somebodies a little bit cranky right now, don't you think?" I hear Derek say over the loud noises. Seriously, what can a girl do to get some peace in this place.

Since the devil decided to wake me up in the early hours of 9am, I thought to go for a run, 10 seconds later I decided since it's Saturday I deserve a  rest but  this rest has been going for a little over a year now. I don't have to remember that though.

As I'm walking downstairs of the house that i grew up in, I'm greeted by the sight of my lovely mother cooking breakfast for the family. All I can smell right now is bacon and believe me when I say this, bacon is gods gifts to earth, beautiful pigs.

"Hey Dookems berry, are you excited for Olivia's party tonight?, make sure you wear that red dress that makes your booty pop! OH and it will make the guys drool all over you!" I nearly burst out laughing when mum says 'booty pop!'  with the most sass that I've ever heard come from a 5 '4, 42 year old lady, I couldn't help but smile at her silly self.

"'Mum, you and I both know that I won't be talking to any guy tonight, I mean all guys want when at a party is sex and I am not up for that" I say word by word because she just doesn't seem to get that I don't need a man to have fun. "I know honey, but what I do know too is that you're a Virgin and I respect whatever decision you decide to make" she says while bending down a teensy bit to kiss my cheek, mum being slightly taller than me "Yes I know that mum, you said it last week" I say like it's the most obvious thing. "I just don't want you to think of every guy like your father, not all will hurt you", mum says sincerely. I look at her sadly, "But what if one will mum".

My mother is the strongest role model in my life, my father.. not so much, the sadness that he put my mum through destroyed my heart day by day. Seeing tears slowly roll down her cheek because she couldn't work up the courage to leave a cheater, abuser and manipulator.

3 years ago he left, that was the start of mums grief and the start of my freedom,  although he never touched Me, I still felt every punch in my heart, which hurt. Most nights he would come home drunk and derek and I both knew that it was our que to hide in our rooms but when Derek was around 9, He started to fight back. Through the years he made sure to be strong, starting up at the gym, being tall aswell, he had a good chance of winning a lot of the fights.
what really hurt though was that I couldn't get out of my room when Dad was trying to hurt mum, because Derek would lock it from the outside which he must of installed throughout the torturous years, I could never find the key that he used, let's just say he had a very good hiding spot. I should feel happy that my brother is being all protective and caring but when it comes to mum being hurt I felt that I should've done something, but I was just a bystander.

The night john, the disgusting excuse of a father decided to call it quits on the torture was when Derek forced mum inside my room aswell and locked it. Hours went by of mum and I banging the door, window and anything to get us out of the room, but nothing worked. The only thing I could hear was the sound of my mums sobs and my very own. 2 hours later Derek unlocked
the door and what we saw was terrifying, severe bruises and cuts were present all over  from head to toe. What is still a mystery today is that Derek's never told mum or I about what happened that night all he said was "don't worry, I made sure he won't come back" I don't think he plans on telling us the rest of the story anytime soon.

The snapping of fingers brings me back to reality, "you okay honey, eat your breakfast. I'm off to work now make sure you send me a pic of what you look like tonight!" Mum yells heading for the front door. "Okay mum! Whatever helps you sleep at night!" Muttering the last bit so she could hear it only just, "I heard that!" Mum replies back smiling and I can't help but be grateful that she's finally happy.

Dam, I look like Virgin Mary on a good day!! I thought to myself as I look at the disgusting black dress covering my entire body. I groan inwardly and check my closet for the billionth time, after what seemed like an hour I decided to wear the dress that mum said I should wear. Curse you and your good fashion senses! I mumble to myself.

I can't help but feel fierce, anyone that messes with me tonight won't be seeing the daylights of tomorrow morning, I say to my inner self as I dance around like a crazy person on crack.

An hour passes and the clock strikes 7pm, still undecided on which shoes to wear tonight, I go to the devils room to see what he thinks. "Oh bitch open up! I need yo.." as I'm opening the door I'm greeted with an empty room, where is that little shit? I thought to myself.

"What are you doing in my room!!!" the sudden outburst make me jump, Derek rushes in as fast as light. "What's your problem! I need your opinion on what shoes I should wear tonight" Pointing to the two different shoes on my feet, black suede strap high heel on the right and doc martins on the left. "The high heels, you might actually be tall for once in your life" he says while messing up my perfectly straightened hair.

I swat his hand away just like Jaden smith did on karate kid "hey! Don't touch the hair, I wouldn't want to get a disease or something !" I yell jokingly.

"Whatever just hurry up otherwise I'm leaving you here and you can walk" with that, we head downstairs to my brothers BMW.

Since my brother is 3 years older than me, he can go out to nightclubs. which just thinking about it now leaves me wondering, why is he coming to my friends party when he could be having fun at a club with his friends, oh boys and their popularity.

"OI ADELINE LOOK!" My brother points to a dog taking a shit on the pavement. I momentarily pause, after staring at him
dumbfounded I burst out laughing, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU DEREK!!"

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