Chapter 3: this is what you want, right?

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Now that I'm stuck in this awful 50 shades of grey room, I don't even think twice about stepping close to the infested bed.

Dirty teenagers couldn't even wait till midnight, get a room. Oh wait they did! I laugh at the thoughts going through my mind, was their something in that orange juice I had earlier?

After the bizarre encounter with Andre, I can't help but notice how much his changed. His muscles are now huge, making him intimidating.

What if he knocks the door down, I look at the poor door that could be kicked in the ass just for being a door! Poor thing.

All the times I've wanted to get out of a locked room, now I'm dying to stay in one, oh the joy.

Those eyes of his were so green, and that jaw, the way he walks with power and authority. somebody please lock him up because I don't know how to get away with murder for good lookers!! There's no TV show for that.

Half an hour passes and there has been no signs of the good looking giraffe trying to kill me.

Slowly tip toeing to the door that I decided to name as Gerald, I twist the doorknob and pop my head out to see any signs of Andre. All I see is an empty, dark hallway.

Debating on whether I should make a run for it, I start fast walking down the hallway, making sure that the clicking noises of my high heels weren't too loud.

I see the light! I thought to myself as I approach the warmer parts of Olivia's mansion.

Now the party is in full swing, the pool is drowning with human bodies and the house is fully lit up with DJs lights.

Thinking back to the 30 minutes spent in the room I decided I should have fun tonight. As I head into the kitchen, the performer of the night is showing off her amazing dance skills on the kitchen bench.

"THATS MY BESTFRIEND!" I yell over the crowd, since everyone's drunk, no one will remember it. Olivia turns to see me, jumping off the bench like she's done it a thousand times, she runs up to me and says "aww Adalay youuu nevurr say tings out loud, you should herve a shot of vodddkkaa" she sings-says to me.

"DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!" Was all I heard when I was having a stare off with the deadly liquid inside the shot glass.

Now everyone is crowded around, should I do it? No don't do it! Yes do it, have some fun in your life, this is what you want right?

Going with the evil side of me, I down the shot and start coughing in fits, wow it really does burn, I thought to myself.
"Hey Oliviaaa, I jurst werrnt you tu knowiiee that your my bestfriendddd" I say to the girl that apparently, I don't know who told me, is my bestfriend, Crazy right?!

I've never felt so... alive.

As I'm dancing with my best friend in the centre of the dance floor two lovely looking guys come up to us, one blonde hair and the other with red hair.

"Greetings love ones, let's take a journey!!" I sing When 'California girls' starts and the four of us start dancing together.

If I wipe down my vacuum cleaner with a towel, then I'm making my vacuum cleaner... which means that technically I am also a vacuum cleaner. Right? I laugh at the question that pops into my head.

When snoop dog starts his part of the song, the tall red headed guy tries to wrap his hands around my waist, But no. Like the fierce dragon I am, I grab onto his wrist and throw them away. The 3 of us start laughing but 'jack' the guy that I rejected started to go red.

I shrug my shoulders and turn to dance with someone else but as I'm doing that I fall into someone. Grabbing ahold of the persons chest, I look up to see a whole lot of...


"Danceee with me or I'll push youuu into the pool" I have no idea what went over me, the fact that I'm not trying to kill this lunatic is beyond crazy.

I mean he probably eats children for breakfast. Oh and he probably steals Christmas like the grinch, but I actually like the grinch so comparing the two just doesn't float right with me.

"Is that a threat?" Andre speak with a slight smile and look of amusement

Man, I don't know, maybe this can be my chance to lead him outside and do a good old roundhouse kick to his perfect face.

Using my brain for the first time tonight, maybe dancing with the devil himself wasn't such a be-smart-Adeline-this-guy-ruined-your-social-life kinda move.

All those times he teased me about how I walk slow, scaring the living daylights out of me just cause he thought it would be fun. OH and that one time he locked me in the janitors closet cause he knew I hated enclosed spaces.

Now I just want to rip his perfectly straight teeth out so he would look ugly for a change, he doesn't deserve to be THIS good looking.

"Actuerrly no I don't want dance with some like you. think you can treat me like shit, think again, no one said you were allowed to come back to Australia, its too good for you!" I huff out like a child waiting impatiently for their Christmas presents. Now that I destroyed the villains ego a little big, nobody can stand in my way.

Twirling on my two feet, I make my way through the crowd, perfectly swaying my hips in a don't-fuck-with-me kind of way and whilst doing so, the crowd parts for my path to victory...

At least that's how I wish it went..
insteaaadd I fell right onto my face.

"OHH WHY AM I LIKE THIS. I can't even turn around without tripping over and nearly dying, I can never do anything right." wiping the tears away from my eyes as I stay laying face flat on the floor. "You're so annoying you know, I never wanted dance with you, wher did yorrr have to bum into me!!" I yell out of frustration as I slowly incline into a seating position. ooo ouch I have a really sore eye. "Andre why erm I crying and why do I have a sore head!! Oh wait, I mean eye!!"


The idiot won't even answer my questions. looking back up to him with my tear stained face I let out another cry and lay back down on the floor dramatically.

"Okay I think you've had enough fun for tonight, why don't we go clean that cut on your knee?" He asks willingly. Wow, that sure is different since when did Andre become all doctor like? And when did I get that cut?

Now that I think about it, he really is a good looking guy, how sweet of him to help clean up my knee.

His sooo romantic.

However, I'm not tired just yet, it's only mystery o'clock, I want to have more fun!! As I glance around the what used to be dance floor, there is now only passed out youths of our generation, it can't be that late can it?

"Andir, what's the time" I slur with tired eyes, glancing at his expensive watch, he replies "it's 3.30 in the morning, I'm surprised you're still awake, rookie".

"Shutup" I mumble as I start to lay back down to get some rest.

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