Chapter 4: A cute mosquito murderer

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Andres pov:
She really has changed, I thought to myself while looking down at the girl I once knew to be shy and a pushover.

This is the first time I've seen her in what seems like a long time, so she probably still lets people walk all over her.

I can't help but look at the small hand lying on her stomach, watching it rise and fall with every breath, it's kinda cute.

Wow.. you sound like a bitch, snap out of it dickhead.

Listening to my inner voice, I remember I don't like this chick, she ruined my chances of getting with that chick back in 7th grade.

Yeh, I like to hold grudges, gotta problem?

From them on I was a complete asshole to her, why? I have no idea, but there was always something about Adeline that made me want to be around her, maybe it was the way she fiddles with her finger when talking to someone, or how her eyes turned bright green when I made her cry.

See... asshole.

"Hey, just letting you know his only trying to get into your pants, I'd steer clear of the walking STD if I were you" Adeline whispers to my next one night stand, but I still heard it.

Jerking my head around fast and screeching the classroom chair along the floor to point directly at her, I notice that she flinched, "who the fuck are you? And what do you think you're trying to do?" I practically yell at her.

At this point she looks like she is about to cry, the class has stopped their chattering to see what's going on. Yeh that's what I thought you nerd.

"I didn't say anything to her" she squeaks really quickly. "Oh really, cause what I heard was that I'm a walking STD!" I start yelling

"I'm sorry,  I was just helping a girl that was gonna get her feelings hurt like the rest of the girls you've been with" Adeline accuses trying to sound tough but I noticed her hands shaking.

"Ooo look what we have here boys, Little nerds not so good at confrontations I see?" I asserted to my mates, raising my eyebrow and looking directly down at her shaking hands. They all start laughing "the poor bitch doesn't know what she got herself into" Blake said to the rest of the group, why did that make me angry at him?

Moving her head to see what I'm looking at, her eyes widen in realisation then quickly shift  into the pockets of a sweater that has Santa clause on it, I nearly vomited at the sight of it.

It's not even near Christmas, what the fuck was she thinking.

"I-i just don't have time for your incoherent mumbling" stuttering the first few words, I couldn't help but laugh.

"I really like your sweater, it reminds me of my dogs shit" I insulted. All of the class must have heard seeing as they can't stop laughing.

It really wasn't that funny.

Looking around I see that I am the only one along with a few guys out the back awake at the party.

Glancing down at her legs I noticed that the red dress that made her look fucking sexy tonight has rode up a bit.

I can't leave her like this and I definitely won't, what if those dickhead out the back see her and take advantage.

Picking her up bridal style, i start to make my incline up the stairs. From a close up perspective, I can see the faint line of freckles on her nose and how her lips look soft. I wonder what it'd be like to kiss them.

I make my way to the bathroom and place her down with her back against the bath.

After what seems like hours I finally find the bandaids that were right in front of me the whole time.

What can I say I am a boy,  therefore I was having a boy look.

Grabbing her soft calf muscle I lie it down onto my muscular leg and put the bandaids onto the cut that I cleaned beforehand.

Maybe I should take her makeup off? I don't want her to ruin the perfect skin that she already has.

Grabbing a wet one I start wiping off the chemicals that she doesn't need on her face. that's better, I can see the freckles now, I thought to myself as I stare at her long eyelashes.

Adeline won't remember any of this tomorrow and I don't intend on telling her or anyone ever. This ruins my reputation by a lot.

It will just be like old times when I get back to that shithole. Tease her a little bit, add a few innuendo jokes to see her blush and maybe then she will finally stand up for herself.  I definitely won't make fun of her weight this time, why did I even do that? I love her curves and the way her legs look so soft and touchable.

What I can say is that I didn't intended on being mean like I did, i just wished she would stand up for herself but never once did that happen.

Every year my 'mates' would go to the swimming carnival and embarrass all the nerds and losers of the school. I didn't want Adeline to be hurt like that because from what I know, she wouldn't of handled it well.

So I did what I thought was best at the time, call her fat. Looking back at it now, I feel so ashamed. Why would I do something like that to her? She wouldn't hurt a single fly In the entire universe, but she definitely would mosquitos.

Yeh I caught you Adeline, I saw how you were under that tree moving your arms all over the place trying to kill the mosquitos.

She looked like a deadly teddy bear with that serious face on, making it her mission to kill the mosquitoes. That was when I realised how cute she really is.

yeh that's right, a cute mosquito murderer.

What are you doing Andre? Have you lost your mind? Stop thinking about Adeline like she's your girlfriend and stop acting like a boyfriend.

Realisation hits me and I quickly pick her up again to go look for a room that has a lock on it, so I can sleep at night knowing nobody will be able to hurt her.

Who doesn't have locks on rooms?!? I thought to myself as I searched the entire house.

After debating on what I should do I go to a random guest bedroom and place her into the covers.

I'll just stay here till 5am then I can leave, I know it may seem like I'm being a bit over protective of a girl I 'hate' but there are a lot of people- guys down stairs.

They could wake up looking to take a piss then stumble across Adeline and decide to do much worse then ruin perfectly good toilet water with their piss.


Yes, Andre slept with girls in year 7.
If anyone was wondering that is.

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