Curiosity Killed the Cat*

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She seemed unfazed by everything around her, she was definitely special. I watched from a distance as she walked passed an accident, an aftermath of a ghoul's meal. Why didn't she scream or run? Her heels clicked as she walked towards the Main Street of busy Tokyo.

Her voice was soft yet it seemed cold. Why?

"Yeah, I'll be home in a few. I'll bring home chicken."

Was she speaking to a friend? Family member? It wasn't any of my business but she walked pass my shop everyday, a human walking in the Fourth Ward was never to be thought of. No one was stupid enough to, ghoul or not----weak or powerful. Sure, a couple would pass by and leave but she came back everyday, except Sundays.

"Did I bring enough coupons for chicken?"

She looked into her bag and brought out a couple papers, then continued to frown and go on with her business. Today, she didn't have her heels on, nor did she have any shoes on. It was dangerous, she could've stepped on glass. They must have broke or something, maybe I could ask her. The thought crossed my hand, helping a human?

I stepped into the dark alleyway following her, today she was causing a racket in the back of my shop. One reason to speak to her. "Did you need help with something, m'am?" Her eyes were (E/C), while (H/L) hair framed her face perfectly. I found something unexpected, blood. She was covered in it.

A smile crossed her face as she dropped the hand. "I'm not a ghoul, sir. But I thought there was something I could use," she stated as I stared at her almost curiously, the blood smudged under her chin and dripped from her porcelain hands.

"And you thought you'd find it in a bag filled with limbs?" She wasn't lying when she said she was human but the gruesome sight could convince anyone otherwise.

She nodded, standing up to meet my sight. "I was trying to find a man's eye," she poked her own eye to emphasize the idea, I tilted my head. What did a human need with another human's diaphragm? Was she a cannibal? "I'm not a cannibal," she shot a cold glare at me. She had read my mind.

"Then, what do you need it for?" I questioned, in all honesty I just wanted to know this woman more. Everything about her pulled me towards her and just to talk to her if it was possible.

"I don't need to tell you that. But there are no eyes in here, at least not a man's eye," she sighed tying back up the bag. "It's for research," she told me anyway, "Here." She opened up my palm and placed an eyeball in my hand which shocked me more, making me even more intrigued with the woman. "It's a woman's eye."

I chuckled for the first time by anyone not in a situation involving tragedy and madness. "Aren't all humans the same?" She tilted her head slightly at my question, I was already found out. But suddenly the bravest thing I've seen in a long time happened, she stepped into my shop.

Her head peeked out of the door, "Aren't you gonna come in? I want to see that jar of eyes you keep. I had my eye on it for a few weeks now," she chuckled. Maybe I could let her live for a few more weeks, she was fascinating. Too bad she worked for the Doves.


I'm sick 😭😭 I told my teacher, "I'm dying," "everyone's dying....." ----my teacher's words of wisdom.

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